→ 18/11/2016
What is PretUp? PretUp is designed to develop the local economy by offering a new source of funding transparent, simple and fast …
Lendix, crowdfunding platform. Lendix is a platform of lending to SMEs. It is a society of crowdfunding, that is …
Bolden, take your economy in hand! In recent years, the economy turned of increasingly towards a participatory mode. Bolden is part of …
Finance SMEs and boost your savings! Finance participatory (crowdfunding = funding by the crowd) allows the development of projects by the …
End and look is still on Television In the ATV video This week the 30/08/2016, Progreso, who comes to borrow €250 …
Credit.fr: Crowdfunding for lending to SMEs. Credit.fr is a platform of lending to SMEs. It is a society of crowdlending, that is …
If like me you often invest on LENDIX probably ask yourself the question of how lendix note the projects. Indeed, if you …
Here's the top of the french crowdfunding sites for you. The list of internet sites that allow you to earn the most …