→ 16/11/2016
What is PretUp? PretUp is designed to develop the local economy by offering a new source of funding transparent, simple and fast …
Lendix, crowdfunding platform. Lendix is a platform of lending to SMEs. It is a society of crowdfunding, that is …
You have five thousand euros € 5000 and ask yourself in what invest? I'm studying all possible responses with you. € 5000 …
Bolden, take your economy in hand! In recent years, the economy turned of increasingly towards a participatory mode. Bolden is part of …
Finance SMEs and boost your savings! Finance participatory (crowdfunding = funding by the crowd) allows the development of projects by the …
In France, a civil society of real estate investment (SCPI) is a structure of mutual investment. The purpose of a civil society …
When, like me, you need to do your taxes you must declare a no. 3916 (DECLARATION by a RESIDENT of an account …
In return for a deposit from the Bank or a company, the investor receives a good; on this document, the recipient agrees, …
Who is Jérôme Kerviel? Born January 11, 1977, Jérôme Kerviel graduated from the University of Lyon II, where he earned …
Which may be licensed as a PEA. A solution available to all. A PEA can be subscribed by any taxpayer tax …
Hundreds of reviews of sites that publish Web ads to recruit some referrals and thus earn sponsorship to banks or the crowdfunding …
How to make money in a bear market? Although the Greek crisis or the brexit or the Asian crisis, these strategies that …
When, like me, you need to do your taxes you must declare a no. 3916 (DECLARATION by a RESIDENT of an account …
At the opening of the succession, heirs are undivided until the partition of the patrimony of the deceased between them. Sharing may …
Real estate: Holland extends the Pinel regime tax reduction This tax is extended until the end of 2017. The president of the …
The SCPI are said to be "fiscally transparent". They are therefore not taxed directly and it is each partner (unitholder) who is …
An action is a property title issued by a capital company (e.g. a limited company or a Société en commandite par actions). …
The model of evaluation of financial assets (CAPM), translation of the English Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) provides an estimate of the …
Pay you too much d´impots? Annual € 3,000 more? I can find the solution by investing in l´immobilier new and old …