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→ 16/11/2016


→ 28/10/2016


PretUp sign-up bonus

What is PretUp? PretUp is designed to develop the local economy by offering a new source of funding transparent, simple and fast …

Lendix 20 euros offered with code JFLOER

  Lendix, crowdfunding platform.     Lendix is a platform of lending to SMEs. It is a society of crowdfunding, that is …

How to invest and in what to invest with €5000?

You have five thousand euros € 5000 and ask yourself in what invest? I'm studying all possible responses with you. € 5000 …

Bolden in gift a sign-up bonus

Bolden, take your economy in hand! In recent years, the economy turned of increasingly towards a participatory mode. Bolden is part of …

WeShareBonds in gift a sign-up bonus

Finance SMEs and boost your savings!   Finance participatory (crowdfunding = funding by the crowd) allows the development of projects by the …

SCPI civil society of real estate investment

In France, a civil society of real estate investment (SCPI) is a structure of mutual investment. The purpose of a civil society …

Crowdfunding, auditors from abroad

When, like me, you need to do your taxes you must declare a no. 3916 (DECLARATION by a RESIDENT of an account …

The cash voucher

In return for a deposit from the Bank or a company, the investor receives a good; on this document, the recipient agrees, …

Jérôme Kerviel, the Société Générale, stack one wins, face you lose

  Who is Jérôme Kerviel?   Born January 11, 1977, Jérôme Kerviel graduated from the University of Lyon II, where he earned …

Everything about the PEA plan d´epargne equity

  Which may be licensed as a PEA. A solution available to all. A PEA can be subscribed by any taxpayer tax …

Tax: premiums of sponsorship are reportable

Hundreds of reviews of sites that publish Web ads to recruit some referrals and thus earn sponsorship to banks or the crowdfunding …

How to win with a bear market, the brexit example

How to make money in a bear market? Although the Greek crisis or the brexit or the Asian crisis, these strategies that …

Donation-sharing: a solution that can resolve conflicts of succession

At the opening of the succession, heirs are undivided until the partition of the patrimony of the deceased between them. Sharing may …

Pinel, extension until 2017

Real estate: Holland extends the Pinel regime tax reduction This tax is extended until the end of 2017. The president of the …

SCPI: The calculation of tax

The SCPI are said to be "fiscally transparent". They are therefore not taxed directly and it is each partner (unitholder) who is …

→ 16/03/2016


→ 23/01/2016


→ 31/12/2015


Actions: introduction to this product high-yield

An action is a property title issued by a capital company (e.g. a limited company or a Société en commandite par actions). …

→ 05/12/2015


Model of Evaluation of assets financial or Capital Asset Pricing Model

The model of evaluation of financial assets (CAPM), translation of the English Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) provides an estimate of the …

Patel: good law to no longer pay d´impots

  Pay you too much d´impots? Annual € 3,000 more? I can find the solution by investing in l´immobilier new and old …

Veux-tu  commencer à construire ton patrimoine ?

Profites pour commencer à t'enrichir et exploites le système grâce à ce premier placement jusqu'à 10%
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