Look & end test and notice

Look & end is a platform that allows you to mature companies with attractive yields and by diversifying your portfolio. The company is Belgian. Companies offered to investors, members of Look & end were the subject an in-depth analysis and a careful selection by an experienced venture capital team. The rate offered to investors varies between 6% and 12% year on the basis of the risk premium of each folder.
Look & end €25 for an investment, in do you have a referral code, type 38GSC8SS, also available on the menu if you have already registered.
- 1 Investors
- 1.1 Why invest in look and end?
- 1.2 FAQ investors look & end
- 1.2.1 How many ca cost to invest via Look & end?
- 1.2.2 Once the investment is realized, what happens?
- 1.2.3 Why Belgian companies emit french law Fund vouchers?
- 1.2.4 What are my risks as an investor?
- 1.2.5 To what end are used the funds raised?
- 1.2.6 What happens if the amount to reach has not been collected?
- 1.2.7 How can I make the payment?
- 1.2.8 Is there a minimum amount to invest?
- 1.2.9 How specifically can I invest?
- 1.2.10 What is the funding process?
- 1.2.11 What happens during the procedure of selection of a business?
- 1.2.12 What is the role of Look & end?
- 1.2.13 What are my rights as an investor?
- 1.2.14 What is my responsibility as an investor?
- 1.2.15 Are my funds available at any time?
- 1.2.16 What is the annual interest rate can I get?
- 1.2.17 When will I be refunded?
- 1.2.18 Who can invest?
- 1.2.19 Why invest in a company proposed by Look & end?
- 1.2.20 Why Belgian companies issue bonds of french law Fund?
- 1.2.21 How much it costs to raise funds via Look & end?
- 1.2.22 What taxation applies to my loan?
- 2 Companies
- 2.1 Why lookandfin
- 2.2 FAQ lookandfin
- 2.2.1 What happens if the amount to reach has not been collected?
- 2.2.2 Where are the funds paid?
- 2.2.3 What about the confidentiality of the information provided?
- 2.2.4 What information is required when filing my application?
- 2.2.5 How long is the period of fundraising?
- 2.2.6 What is the decision-making process of Look & end?
- 2.2.7 What are the criteria for selecting a folder?
- 2.2.8 What are the services offered by Look & end?
- 2.2.9 What are my obligations to my creditors?
- 2.2.10 What is the annual interest rate?
- 2.2.11 What are the repayment terms?
- 2.2.12 Who can raise funds via Look & end?
- 2.2.13 What is the difference between Look & end, banks and private investors?
- 3 Information about payments
- 4 Other info
- 5 Sponsorship:
- 6 Who is lookandfin? security question
- 7 My opinion on the website
Description of look and fine
In addition, the service offers Look & end is completely free (before, during and after the investment). Look & end services are exclusively intended for persons or legal persons with legal to contract and this capacity regardless of their nationality.
The interest rate expressed in the profiles of the projects on the Site and included in cash vouchers issued by the borrowers is a gross interest, excluding taxation rate. A withholding tax (withholding tax) may be operated in accordance with the applicable law, namely the french tax law, Belgian tax law and the double taxation signed between the Belgium and the France agreement. As with any investment, the recipient of the interest income should check whether to declare them in his annual tax declaration, or if the source deductions are freed. In any case, it is for any investor to get advice from his accountant or tax advisor with regard to its own situation, hereby FAQ is not intended to replace such advice.
The ticket is € 500
Take advantage of the bonus registration look and end
Why invest in look and end?
Because it is Belgian
and we love the Belgium, not I just kidding that the Belgium is not the France and can diversify out of France easily.
Because there is no charge
and that costs it hurts still. So no charge is very good, because the performance is even increased.
Because the site already 4 in 2016
4 candles, and yes the crowdfunding begins to take the bottle.
FAQ investors look & end
How many ca cost to invest via Look & end?
All of the services offered by Look & end (before, during and after investment) are free.
Once the investment is realized, what happens?
Once all of the achieved amount, the funds are released to the company and investors become creditors. The first monthly reimbursement will take place 1 month after the release of the funds.
Each monthly term, the investor receives an email indicating the amount paid into his bank account. The latter also has access at any time to the details of its investments in its virtual wallet.
Why Belgian companies emit french law Fund vouchers?
The projects listed on the site's Look & end is aimed at the Belgian public and french. It was considered more simple to work with a single debt obligation, identical regardless of the nationality or residence, Belgian or French, of the investor. Moreover this title offers the advantage of being more easily transferable than a conventional loan.
What are my risks as an investor?
The main risk to the investor is the risk of bankruptcy of the business that is financed. However, this risk decreases gradually that repayments are collected. In case of bankruptcy and balance to be collected, the investor retains his rights as a creditor of the bankrupt business in the same way as all other creditors.
To what end are used the funds raised?
Funds are exclusively intended for release on Look & end use.
What happens if the amount to reach has not been collected?
If all of the amount indicated on the sheet of the company has not fully subscribes to the deadline, the funds already paid to the escrow account will be refunded to investors.
How can I make the payment?
After you have selected a company, the investor receives an e-mail containing the information to make a transfer to the account of the company.
The investor then realizes the payment (in the form of transfer) directly to the bank account of the company.
Is there a minimum amount to invest?
The minimum amount proposed investment varies from one company to another. In the majority of cases, it is set at €500.
How specifically can I invest?
After selecting the carrier of choice, the investor shall determine the amount they wish to invest. He then receives an e-mail containing the loan interests agreement. The investor is asked to pay the amount directly to the bank account of the company.
The investment is made only upon receipt of the funds on the account of the company.
What is the funding process?
Each company opens a bank account dedicated to fundraising. This account is blocked during the entire period of subscription of the company.
Each investment is made directly on this bank account. The investment will be made upon receipt of the amount subscribed.
Once the fenced investment and provided that the collected amount is reached, the funds are released to the company.
If the amount is not reached at the end of the fundraising process, the harvested amounts are reimbursed to the investors.
What happens during the procedure of selection of a business?
The steps of selecting a folder by Look & end are as follows:
1 ° Look & end analysts perform an in-depth analysis of the company (ability to repay, team, addiction to a client, working capital needs, competitive advantages, competition,…)
2 ° in case of selection, Look & end sets with the borrower candidate conditions of financing (borrowing, maturity and rates).
3 ° the undertaking is proposed investment to Look & end members.
What is the role of Look & end?
Look & end is the intermediary between investors and companies financed. Investors invest directly in companies they select via Look & end.
Look & end provides the analysis and selection of the companies, the communications between the parties and the follow-up of refunds.
What are my rights as an investor?
The investor has the rights of a creditor that is entitled to collect the amounts due to the deadlines agreed in the loan agreement.
What is my responsibility as an investor?
The investor has no responsibility both towards the funded company that has regard to third parties with whom the latter contract.
Are my funds available at any time?
The company repays the loan monthly and gradually over a period which varies between 24 and 60 months.
What is the annual interest rate can I get?
When its subscription, the investor knows precisely the conditions in which it is investing; These conditions are expressed in annual interest rate and overall performance. The rate offered to investors varies between 6% and 12% year on the basis of the risk premium of each folder.
The average weighted on the current investments totalled 8.2% year.
When will I be refunded?
The company repays the loan over a period which varies between 2 to 5 years according to its refund capabilities. The investor receives monthly an identical amount (principal and interest) on his bank account.
Who can invest?
Look & end services are exclusively intended for persons or legal persons with legal to contract and this capacity regardless of their nationality.
Why invest in a company proposed by Look & end?
By investing in a company via the website Look & end, you support the real economy, you diversify your investment portfolio (by investing in assets not related to the financial market) and you get attractive yields while controlling risk.
Companies offered to investors, members of Look & end were the subject an in-depth analysis and a careful selection by an experienced venture capital team.
In addition, the service offers Look & end is completely free (before, during and after the investment).
Why Belgian companies issue bonds of french law Fund?
The projects listed on the Lookandfin website is aimed at the Belgian public and french. It was considered more simple to work with a single debt obligation, identical regardless of the nationality or residence, Belgian or French, of the investor. Moreover this title offers the advantage of being more easily transferable than a conventional loan.
How much it costs to raise funds via Look & end?
Look & end services will be charged to the company in the form of a commission levied on the funds raised. These costs consist of a set-up fee of € 2,000 and a 4% commission on raised.
What taxation applies to my loan?
The interest rate expressed in the profiles of the projects on the Site and included in cash vouchers issued by the borrowers is a gross interest, excluding taxation rate. A withholding tax (withholding tax) may be operated in accordance with the applicable law, namely the french tax law, Belgian tax law and the double taxation signed between the Belgium and the France agreement. As with any investment, the recipient of the interest income should check whether to declare them in his annual tax declaration, or if the source deductions are freed. In any case, it is for any investor to get advice from his accountant or tax advisor with regard to its own situation, hereby FAQ is not intended to replace such advice.
Why lookandfin
FAQ lookandfin
What happens if the amount to reach has not been collected?
If the total amount borrowed by the company has not fully subscribes to the deadline, the funds already paid to the bank account shall be reimbursed to investors.
Where are the funds paid?
Each company opens a bank account specifically dedicated to the financing transaction.
Investors funds will be directly paid to this bank account.
Throughout the period of funding the account is blocked.
Funds are released only at the moment where all of the announced amount is collected.
What about the confidentiality of the information provided?
Only Look & end members have access to the information of the company. No information is made public without the consent of the company.
What information is required when filing my application?
The required information are of 3 types:
- A description of the company,
- A description of the activity,
- Financial information.
How long is the period of fundraising?
The fundraising period lasts an average of 8 days.
What is the decision-making process of Look & end?
The steps of selecting a folder by Look & end are as follows:
1 ° the form communicated via the site, Look & end based on valid the eligibility of the firm
2 ° additional information is requested from the company via mail. This for a thorough analysis,
3 ° the undertaking is proposed investment to Look & end members.
What are the criteria for selecting a folder?
Look & end selects companies on basis of the following criteria:
- A minimum turnover of € 300 000
- Minimum 3 accounting years filed;
- A demonstrated ability to repay.
In his analysis, Look & end will be particularly attentive to financial ratios current and future of the company as well as its future prospects.
What are the services offered by Look & end?
Look & end is the intermediate between lenders and borrowers. Lenders invest directly in companies they select via Look & end.
Look & end provides the analysis and selection of the companies, the communications between the parties and the follow-up of refunds.
What are my obligations to my creditors?
The obligations of the borrower with respect to its lenders reside mainly in respect of modalities and periodicity of payments as agreed to in the convention.
What is the annual interest rate?
Based on his analysis, Look & end evaluates the company based on a system of rating of A to E. According to the score, Look & end suggests an annual interest rate to the borrower candidate. This rate varies case by case of 6% to 12% year.
This is the borrower who has the last word on the rate at which it will fund is.
What are the repayment terms?
The company reimburses monthly an amount contractually to a fixed term.
Who can raise funds via Look & end?
The services offered to businesses by Look & end are intended exclusively for companies that meet the following criteria:
-be Belgian or French,
-have minimum 3 accounting years filed;
-a turnover of at least € 300,000.
What is the difference between Look & end, banks and private investors?
Currently SMEs mostly have access to two sources of funding: banking institutions and professional investors.
Banks finance these companies primarily in the form of loan. Guarantees such as personal bonds are often required.
Capitalist ventures Fund for their business capital. They are therefore intended companies with high growth potential. This approach involves the entrepreuneur to cede a part of its business therefore often resulting in loss of control.
Thanks to his alternative model, Look & end enables SMEs to finance all by responding to their needs:
-a loan tailored to the capabilities of refund,
-No personal guarantees,
-no dilution in ownership,
-quickly to get the funds (on average a week).
Information about payments
Good paying
The means of payment on the site's look & end are:
Credit card
Bank transfer
Minimum deposit: 500 euros
Minimum withdrawal: 10 euros
Other info
The site is Belgian.
Site language: French + English
Number of users: 2000
Look & end blows its third birthday. On this occasion, invite your friends to join the community Look & end and share you the sum of €50.
In order to validate the sponsorship, each of your downline must register on Look & end using your sponsor code and perform an initial investment. You will each receive a fee of € 25 directly to your bank account. The offer is valid until 31 July to minuit(en fait prolongée) and has no limitation of use.
Look & end €25 for an investment, in do you have a referral code, type 38GSC8SS, also available on the menu if you have already registered.
Take advantage of the bonus registration look and end
Who is lookandfin? security question
The website www.lookandfin.com belongs to and is managed by the company LOOKANDFIN S.A., hereinafter referred to as LOOKANDFIN, whose head office is established avenue Joseph Wybran, 40 at 1070 Brussels, registered at the Crossroads Bank for enterprises under the number 0846.783.769 and registered in the administration of VAT under number 0846.783.769.
LOOKANDFIN has activity in the presence, on the one hand, companies eager to borrow funds to finance their professional activity and on the other hand, people who want to make an investment in the form of a loan at interest.
Brussels-capital region
Business incubator located in the Brussels region.
The regional investment company of Brussels
Private equity fund supported by ING and several entrepreneurs aims to invest in a SMEs with high growth potential.
Private investment supported by the free University of Brussels, which aims to invest in from spin-offs of University research funds.
First Belgian professional network. The reference site of the French in Belgium.
Installation, Lifestyle, Business, family, networking, events…
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My opinion on the website
This Belgian site is friendly, but the ticket is high, in return rate is really nice. J´attend d´investir in l´une of 800 country beers and chocolates (I'm too aware of culture Belgian mdr).
Take advantage of the bonus registration look and end
Nothing to complain about it is as always very easy.
A menu containing the essence of the information necessary to be able to make the right decisions.
Nothing of exotic from this point of view.
Example of an investment
I love
- Belgian
- the rate
I do not like
Conclusion of the test and view of the platform of crowdfunding look & end
Interesting site
Take advantage of the bonus registration look and end
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