TOP 10 french crowdlending sites
![Top 10](
Here's the top of the french crowdfunding sites for you. The list of internet sites that allow you to earn the most money.
The ranking of the best crowdfunding sites and crowdlendind. At the level of the criteria it is simply the best sites for me and I recommend the most.
Top of category crowdlending crowdfunding platforms
The site is also easy to use. You have the possibility to lend dice €20.
A good platform for several reasons. The interest rate is 4 to 12%. The advantage of Bolden that it is an easy to use site. With the packs almost everything is automatic. . Bolden chooses the rate, once the amount of the loan funded the project is closed. There are management fees that offset the rate more attractive than its competitors which ultimately amounts to the same thing. There is also the sponsorship but it is very anecdotal.
Each investment has a return between 6 and 11% per year. Opening a "Lender" account is free and no management fees. Pretup is nice but nothing more. The investment ticket starts at € 50 for a business project.
C´EST Lendopolis that determines how much you win by setting the rate of pay.
Prexem just logically Gets the bronze medal. The interest rate is chosen by the site, and that up to 10%. Prexem is a young platform user friendly. At the concept level, Prexem is unique, in fact they are the first in France to have a platform of loans with a guarantee in case of default of companies Fund. Plus the loan's former, more it is secure, because the guaranteed amount in the background increases. Possibility of loan of € 20. No fees. The site is still an empty stomach but is very promising.
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