How to get rich quickly and really easily: Final l´article
How to become rich? Is there a simple formula to apply?

The first thing is to know that some become rich because they know how to acquire wealth. In d´autres terms they s´y interest pas(vous travaillez 35h par semaines pour l´argent et ne savez même pas comment le dresser, vous ne trouvez pas cela fou?).
The secret in 5 lines:
The secret is very simple: on your salary, do not spend anything, invest, not spend the surplus generated by investment, reinvest and your salary will grow as a result, if your investment income is greater than your expenses, you have become independent financially and there; finished work you enjoy or use your time to make excess or investment…
- 1 Metro-job-dodo do you know?
- 2 What is the Rat Race?
- 3 Why leave the Rat Race?
- 4 The lies of the Rat Race:
- 5 How to get out of the Rat Race? False ideas:
- 6 Good techniques to break free from the Rat Race
- 7 Your financial independence in 5 steps only
- 8 Enrichment principles: 1 principle: assets and liabilities
- 9 Assets
- 10 Liabilities
- 11 Why acquire more d´actifs?
- 12 Your target with these sub-objectives
- 13 2nd principle: make sure your euros are worth more in investing
- 14 2nd principle: make sure your euros are worth more
- 15 Your best euros are invested
- 16 Even better: If you buy the good assets, you can also spend less
- 17 3rd principle: PEGR and RPRG
- 18 Observe that s´enrichit and with what efforts
- 19 Mode: switch from RPRG to PEGR
- 20 so I think to a proverb when writing this article:
- 21 The power of compound l´interet
- 22 Curve compound interest
- 23 Formula
- 24 Example:
- 25 72 the magic number or how soon will double your investment
- 26 The rule of 72
- 27 In your life, how many are there periods during which the value of your money double?
- 28 Conclusion:
- 29 Give me a point of support, I will raise the world… or lever l´effet
- 30 The risk-reward ratio or become the master
- 31 Stock Exchange, l´astuce to win
- 32 Existing products:
- 33 Banking and finance
- 34 Real estate
- 35 Other products excluding categories
- 36 You
- 37 Conclusion:
- 38 Analyze the various exciting products:
- 39 A few videos and blogs to watch
- 40 Some books:
First thing, you should know who to listen to:
Indeed that you listen to a person that knows how to invest and win + 10% return per year or your neighbor?
You're struggling to make money?
Then, understand the subtlety of the following:
The people are suffering the qu´il rules does not know!
The rich are and know the rules!
This is why the rich always win!
C´EST as play Monopoly without knowing qu´a each round there is a l´argent and qu´il is possible to build houses, you can not win in these conditions.
How to earn money at home with a method that anyone can use
In this case, I discovered one thing that is quite simple. You can make money by following a simple rule. This method is rarely mentioned. Most people, even the bankers do not know! Anyone can use it. No experience, no mathematical competence. I teach you everything.
This article will give you the keys to get rich easily and as quickly as possible
You are 10 minutes away from make you a lot of money online then well read more
Metro-job-dodo do you know?
What is the Rat Race?

The rat race (metro-job-dodo) is somehow trapped in which lie most of the people that boils down to the following sentence: working for a salary that allows me to d´acheter of the things for which I have to work. It is therefore a vicious circle in which we all came at a time of our life, in general of our first pay sheet foolishly imitating our parents.
From your first pay sheet, you started to have bills, buy a sofa, rent an apartment. It starts like that, then quickly just the car, this chasm to money that goes gnaw you your budget for a long time.
Why leave the Rat Race?
In general you want to exit this system, because you feel trapped by the metro-work-sleep system and you can not fulfill your dreams for lack of time or money.
The lies of the Rat Race:
I listened to my parents, I followed the diagram type to live rich and "happy".
So I went to school, I did graduate, I was underpaid and precarious work, I invested, I had appreciation of my bosses, unemployment and difficulties... and I galley to keep or find a stable job.
Among all the people I met, my colleagues, my clients, my friends, my family, I realize that many not to say all have no life they crave. There only to see the many Facebook statutes Sunday night, people cry, because the weekend is complete and they are again forced to return to work. They all work hard for eventually n´avoir of crumbs, a precarious situation, a car and a House that never really theirs...
They all retired, dream this precious retirement, because they will finally have time. Except qu´il y two things that will appear. The first c´est health, she will begin to decrease seriously and you will be limited. The second c´est income. The French revenue drop drastically retired and this is often poorly lived. Often just you 50% of your last income, this is very little to live.
Ask yourself the question, you need to wait for retirement to start to live?
How to get out of the Rat Race? False ideas:
Work more
The first, primitive instinct is to work more to earn more. C´EST reflex inked by our parents and national l´education. It is a false solution for several reasons.
You always do the same kind of activity, but longer than before. Finally, you are always in the rate race to sell your time for l´argent and you have even less time to enjoy your single life. Do not think that because of this, you will evolve. In fact you will not evolve, because it is an evolution in the rat race. More generally you will eventually be frustrated and therefore spending in leisure your hard earned money. At the end you will be at the same point, but you will have bought the latest products at the fashion to chic as the last nespresso, a luxury watch, etc.
Work better
There are a multitude of techniques to optimize his time and become effective in his work, but there is not necessarily the solution. These include the book Getting Things Done (GTD) by David Allen, or even the Pomodoro technique. However, taking a minimum of recoil, realizes that this is not what will make you get out of the rat race, as these concepts do not change your life. They are that give you more d´efficacite, but you still are still working.
Work less
The best-known book on this subject is that of Tim Ferris, the week of 4 hours. Naively, I think that if we couple the Paretto law and act Pakinson, one might be tempted to say "be limited to work less let to concentrate on the essentials. Except final qu´au it works 80% less and with a drop of 20% of salary. This remains theory. But even if it works, sometimes the 20% difference in less on pay same is not possible temporarily.
Good techniques to break free from the Rat Race
Here are the right approach to leave the rat race, one that will allow you to really live your life:
1st technique: becoming independent financially
"Easier said than done" hear you say me. And Yes, this is the technique the harder and less accessible, but it is for me the best. The best is still to leave this vicious circle.
After Kiyosaki, out of the rat race boils down to get the passive income (which therefore do not understand the salary and are therefore weakly correlated to the working time) more important than expense.
Income liabilities c´est of the money that you earn without direct action on your part (ex: renting an apartment, dividends, cash income of the crowdlending).
Where to get these revenues?
Get passive income, it is the key to financial freedom! Once the engine is started, you get a positive dynamic that you will enter into a virtuous circle: I earn money passively while I continue to invest still more, because j´ai more cash each month. The part I earn interest will then grow from my income, and reinvest in each you will quickly benefit from l´effet snowball. Soon you will have more passive income than your loads. From this moment, you have won.
So, the idea is to invest your time/money into a project that can, more or less long term function without you and make you money! This implies to work upstream to implement such system. The most hard is to keep l´effort a long period or make an important contribution. I recommend d´investir for example in bonds, shares, etc. just follow my tips which should greatly help you.
2nd technique: lower needs
Human to always trend in always wanting more and never be satisfied with what he has where this observation that if you get to concentrate on the essential things in your life, you will need less and therefore less money to buy. Necessarily if you need less money so you have less need to work or more margin to invest equal work.
As you have in this case less needs, simply reinvest your surplus.
Once you'll have more passive income as your needs, earned c´est.
What can we deduce?
Firstly remind you that work for his next paycheck to keep until the next month and start all over again is not a life. This qu´il really c´est get the revenues that are not proportional to the time of work, for example by investing l´argent. These revenues must be sufficient to eventually cover l´ensemble of your current and future loads. Once done, enjoy!
Your financial independence in 5 steps only
Many people dream to be millionaires. Some people play the Euromillions is relying to chance or luck. Others buy financial products fashionable attractive yields promise a future singing.
Live in abundance of goods and income be free from everyday worries (Bill unpaid or late payment, difficulties of regulation of the very expensive rent, regular failures of vehicle) are the legitimate objectives of a lot of people. Everyone seeks to achieve these goals sometimes taking shortcuts that make up the path of mediocrity. That is the path of the immediate solution that hinders the potentiality of the human resource.
The way advice for his dreams and be free from all worries is the voice of greatness. It is a process of growth from the inside and outside. This way us plunges into the heart of self-fulfilment and provides financial independence.
What is financial independence?
If I had to give a definition for "financial independence", it would be the ability for an individual to meet their daily needs, without the assistance of a third party or debt all the time.
Further, it would be the ability to get rich in order to permanently shelter need throughout its existence. You looking for financial independence?
Financial independence: it is also the opportunity to enjoy his life even in the event of unfavourable situation (loss of job, illness or accident…) a life without a boss, without superior hierarchical. The financial independence it is also did have the power of decision, to go and to come across where you want without compromising your income or financial interest. To achieve this level of life, tips are many, but I propose you some steps.
How to achieve financial independence?
Ensure financial independence is very simple, but it requires great motivation, perseverance and above all patience while keeping your goals in mind. To do this, simply:
Step 1 live according to his income
Achieve financial independence depends largely on your habits daily, such that spending money on non-essential items and spending money when you do not currently have. The first step toward independence is the fact that your income cover your expenses.
Track your spending for a month in order to have a good overview of what you buy and how you buy it. This will allow you to determine expenditures that you can remove and see how they affect your ability to save for the future. This will also help you determine the amount of your income that is wasted on interest on loans and credit card debt.
Then try to reduce unnecessary spending on a daily basis, especially if you don't have the cash on hand to make the purchase. This will allow you to reduce your expenses while avoiding debt. Eliminate all your debts except your mortgage starting with the debt with the highest interest rate and continue to monitor your expenses according to an already established budget.
The budgetest an very important part of your life if you want to achieve your financial independence. Because it allows to plan all your expenses under duress from your income. To prepare it, you must:
- Take into account your income
- List all your monthly expenses.
- Keep a notebook of monthly account or you register all expenditures on the day the day
- Also provide for the establishment of an emergency fund
- Make sure that your expenses exceed your income.
- The budget presents three types of expenses.
- Fixed expenses (rent, insurance) or the incompressible.
- Compressible or variable expenses (food, water electricity, gas, fuel…)
- Occasional expenses (gift, leisure…) to reduce your expenses it is clear that you can act on occasional and variable expenses. This will allow you to save money and build savings.
Step 2 to save
Saving is a part of the income which is not consumed. The savings is your reserve in case something unexpected happens, it is at least equal to 3 months of expenses. This is put in reserve to allow you to carry out our projects in the short medium and long term. To build up your savings, there are two possibilities subject to opening a savings account.
Either you pay a variable amount or the rest of the income we consumed on your savings account.
Either you go back to the 10% of your net income on the basis of savings and you make it a priority.
The savings allows you to have liquidity reserve which is a margin of safety against the vagaries of life (accident, illness) and constitute a heritage that will prove you an additional income, basic element for any investment.
It is not easy to change his way of thinking in regards to savings, but this point of view different help to free yourself of your responsibility by adhering to an automatic savings program.
There are several automated programs that levy an amount from your paycheque or from your bank account to deposit it into an investment account, which helps you put a side an amount and make your money grow. For example, most companies offer RRSPS and pension plans where the money collected periodically is invested in a tax shelter. To take full advantage of these plans, the amount to which you contribute periodically should match or exceed the portion of the amount your employer pays you.
You can make the savings similar to the way of brokerage accounts taxable or savings accounts that serve as an emergency fund.
Step 3 start to invest and develop his business slowly but surely
For financial independence, you must work hard to make your business work. It may even be necessary you to reduce your hours of work in a company or even leaving your employment.
At the end of your savings you have raised the necessary capital to carry out your projects even more crazy. I propose a few investments to grow your capital.
Make investments that will prove income or profit without personal intervention. Example: invest in real estate or furniture, buy a good life insurance contract (you can visit the Jean-Jacques rich Hénin.) En) with this site you can optimize your income.
You can create your own business or open a trade based on the link market trends you holidays.
Step 4 you earn more and more money with your business and it covers your expenses
If there is a shop or a store, it may make sense to open related institutions in other regions or cities in order to reach more customers. However the business always depends on your work, so in the end on your ability to produce. If you're in online sales, it may be necessary to create a second e-commerce site, or even a showcase site to present your products and also to gain visibility on the Web.
The goal, it is to always increase your income and thus to be financially independent.
Invest in other sectors of activities
Don't forget to earn money, always use the capital at your disposal and not put it in a corner and spend it little by little. Always make sure that your expenses are less than your daily, monthly and annual earnings. So, don't settle for your first investment.
Try also to invest in other areas such as real estate, the stock market, transport… Always note that before investing in a particular field, it is necessary to well learn, familiarize themselves with the area in question, studying the chances of success of each investment project.
The risks still exist when it comes to investment. That is not an obstacle for you. Do only preliminary careful studies so that your investments are always fruitful.
In a Word, dare to become an entrepreneur from talent and a real magnet to money.
Step 5 to build a heritage
To keep you safe from the need and live independently as financial, try to build a heritage. Your money must work for you or your business, in such a way that it n there was no need of you.
Through hard work and investment, you could for example have shops and stores in many cities and regions, have several income-generating sites on the Web, have real estate to rent to individuals and professionals, have cars that you will use for the transport of persons or goods.
In doing so, you will have several activities guaranteeing significant revenue. Thanks to your activities, you also allow creating work and insurance of sufficient income for many households.
There are no magic solutions to achieve financial independence. But in all things you have to take risks and never lose of seen targets the path is difficult card to the end you can enjoy a great satisfaction.
Enrichment principles: 1 principle: assets and liabilities

To complete your financial education, we'll discuss some concepts of accounting including l´importance of the difference between active and passive.
The assets consist of all values capable of directly or indirectly generate revenue materialized by the sums that come into your bank account. An asset is something that hopefully a future economic benefit. More simply and to better understand I take the definition of Robert kiyosaki, assets are something that puts money in your pocket. The most common assets and associated revenues are:
• work and salary;
• the real estate will be considered as an asset only if it generates rents, so incomes;
• the actions of a company that produce dividend;
• financial investments that generate interest income.
Liabilities are materialized by the various debts, as well as the cost of the necessities you need to assume and that generate spending.
The most common liabilities and associated expenditures are:
• taxation and income tax,
• credits and interest expense,
• all the necessities of life: food, clothing, recreation, objects, etc.
• alimony, fines, etc.
Why acquire more d´actifs?
You need to possess and acquire more assets than liabilities. Indeed if you want to enrich you your assets are as the source of life and your liabilities are death, I simplify to l´extreme in this example. In fact if you have much d´actifs you increase your margin for manoeuvre, because you can afford more stuff or more breakage. Conversely liabilities you listen to l´argent, for example if you buy a brilliant ferari and new, cost d´entretien for a vehicle of this type will eventually suffocate more d´un d´entre us.
In addition if you have many d´actifs you can maintain greater liabilities. So now you have investments such as those from my article d´investissement families
Your target with these sub-objectives
With three still present objectives in mind:
• grow your assets,
• control and reduce your liabilities,
• ensure that your recipes are greater than your expenses.
1 / invest only in assets that will be worth potentially more expensive tomorrow, and/or capable of generating wealth and income. (Your relationship, bonds)
2 / never use credit to buy something that can potentially be cheaper tomorrow. (Typically a beautiful car)
2nd principle: make sure your euros are worth more in investing

Do ensure that your euros are worth higher price is an important concept, because finally one account your euros invested, the rest n´etant not to you, because immediately had immediately used.
2nd principle: make sure your euros are worth more
Ensure that your euros are worth more each month, indeed you lutez against loss of power d´achat. To counteract this will only have your euros it invests, each month you win a bit more d´argent and that your money helps you in your effort.
Your best euros are invested
If you contract a loan to acquire a liability, here is the path that will take your money. Initially you will receive your salary, pay taxes on that income, you discharge the monthly payment of your credit and are going to finance your needs only with what will remain. In this case it s´agit d´un bad credit. Indeed you are going to fight to be able to maintain this property that will eventually be s´user and it will have to start all over again.
On the other hand, if you endettez to acquire an asset that generates revenue, not only this new autumn will help you finance your acquisition, but you can also deduct all expenses inherent to this purchase, cost of credit included, and pay your taxes on that income only if there something! We can say qu´il s´agit there d´un good credit. In this case your assets are struggling to pay you more things and there c´est much simpler to make the expenses if you have d´argent receipts, especially if it depends more on labour. Indeed there will come a time or find the next promotion is going to be more complicated than d´encaisser your d´actifs income.
Your best euros are invested, because these are the only ones who make you earn even more d´argent, the rest covering only loads c´est as if they were never members.
Even better: If you buy the good assets, you can also spend less
And there you go tell me how this is done it? In fact if you buy the good tax features, you can also have relief d´impots. For example l´immobilier or l´assurance life allow you to exempt from taxation in addition to earn l´argent. Win you so twice, c´est l´effet of tax lever. To know the devices, you can read my article
Like what in fact the Governments always favor the rich, because they create wealth for the country and therefore taxes whose Governments are so fond.
3rd principle: PEGR and RPRG

3rd principle: PEGR (small effort big results); RPRG (big Efforts small results). In the life of every day watch and see who grows and how they do
Observe that s´enrichit and with what efforts
Look around you, in the life of every day and see who grows and how they do. In 90% of cases, you will see these two concepts at work (collect your rent or work). Be aware to recognize them and use them to enrich you.
In fact most of the people you worked with are in mode effort small results, for example they work lasts for a payslip, 1700 in France for a minimum of 140 hours (extra hours often are not reported).
Except that the work, and l´ont can tell me what l´on wants, is a necessity for most d´entre us.
While cash passive income requires that very can d´effort, just look a balance sheet of what has been cashed, in short a few hours per week.
Mode: switch from RPRG to PEGR
Put yourself in mode PEGR by acquiring assets that generate income and you will earn your financial independence faster. Use the RPRG mode funding loss of liabilities by buying assets that degrade and you fatigue to impoverish you. If you are in mode RPRG you provide a considerable effort to enrich you while in l´autre mode a few hours are sufficient.
We are necessarily in the RPRG early in our life
For all those who do not have heritage or starting capital, we are necessarily RPRG at the beginning of our economic life, because it must work.
However some will leave with an advantage or a handicap (savings or credit).
I am referring here primarily individuals who have a student credit, car or housing while d´autres will be opened by parents/grandparents life insurance.
1st goal: start mode PEGR
Your first goal should be to move as quickly as possible in mode PEGR and make income from your assets give you access to financial freedom.
To do this start by getting a good financial education by properly informing you on the subject, not to l´ecole, but observing people who succeed.
There are many and good books about this, or alternatively you can also read this site. This will gently at first and you go have a share more increasingly important passive income as time.
At the beginning you go put some income rate to constitute you a d´urgence background.
Then you are going to invest little by little to create revenues 'liabilities. I put passive in quotes, because they are not entirely passive, they are just very decorreles of working time.
Basically whether you lifting the morning you receive your income.
This concept was in the book of Oliviser seban, and yes I does not reinvent the wheel. But I really recommend you to buy it
so I think to a proverb when writing this article:
If hard work we became rich, donkeys would have the Golden bat, where l displays on the site…
And yes the motto of the site comes from this article, indeed I find it quite suitable.
The power of compound l´interet
Here I present to you the compound interest or l´effet snowball. C´EST probably the concept the simplest, but the most powerful of any finance. I strongly invite you to read until you understand, essential c´est, because it will make you really rich.
The super power of financiers, the compound interest or l´effet snowball. Not cela n´a nothing to do with n th Marvel or DC. C´EST just the most powerful concept of any finance. I strongly invite you to read this article until you understand, essential c´est, because it will make you really rich.
How to walk compound interest
If you place €10,000 to 2%, we touch €200 of interest. By removing these interests, then the following year there is still €10,000 on the booklet, which will report again €200. In ten years, it will be thus €10 × 200 = €2,000 of interest. These are simple interest.
But leaving the interests on the booklet, they will produce their turn of interests. These babies grow exponentially, as rabbits (I wanted to put as cockroaches to properly illustrate the rate faster, but c´est frankly less cute). The second year will be €10 200 on the libretto, which report €204 interest. Instead of winning every year the same amount, interest will increase with time. In ten years, it will affect so… €2,200.
It is barely 10% more than with simple interest. These reported €2,000, and the composition of the interests €200 more. One may think that this is nothing. Fake. Money placed for ten years at 2%, said while more than 20%, but not much more.
Perhaps it was not patient enough. If it had waited twenty years, it would have received in total €4 860 interests, or 20% more than with simple interest (20 × €200 = €4,000). It is better, but far d´etre a super power. The composition of interests therefore reported €860: Cherry is larger, but it is still only the icing on the cake.
How to turn an ordinary power in the true SUPER power
Repeat for children need to be patient and be willing to wait before spending his money. Like that compound interest report even more. Well Yes. Compound interest really have value only if it expected long (not just a few years) and the interest rate is high. Few savers understand that the interest rate is essential. A low rate as on the libretto has for a long time is a waste of time, so d´argent.
If you place €10,000 at 7% for twenty years, it will affect almost €29 000 of interest (it will be in total €39000). In this case the composition of interests reported nearly €15,000, or a little more than simple interest (20 × €700 = €14,000). It is more icing on the cake, but a second cake.
Now suppose 10% over 30 years, you multiplied by 18 your money €10000 become € 180,000 well better not? But imagine that you read my article how to earn 15% annual with lever l´effet + how to earn 7% without risk. You begin to understand where I want to come? You multiply by 87 your sum (15% / year), yes 87 gives €870 000.
Just to make you salivate, imagine 20% multiply you the sum by how many? I give you, this is 100 or 150 or even 200, still not 300, but 380 Yes 380 this which gives us 3 800 000 euros, there c´est of super power not?
To find out how long it takes to double a sum it is a rule, that of the 72
Compound interest is the key to your fortune.

Curve compound interest
Curve compound interest
This curve makes want not? On this curve there are several d´interet rate as well as their growth according to the time you leave your investment (attention all profits are reinvested and we spoke always in net). There clearly qu´il n virtually no differences between small amounts d´interets then qu´au-top d´environ 5% curve s´emballe. Just to see the difference between 1% and 5% and between 5 and 10% to understand that the curve is really explosive.
Two problems and two solutions
Property course this curve is attractive, but in practice is it achievable? In theory Yes however the real problem is to start placing early l´argent and for that reason does not fall into the rat race. Ideally it would be interesting to work when l´on is still in these parents for example. Then it is necessary to continue a long time, and this despite the fact of living in his apartment and d´avoir of children.
Second we need to find rates and it less obvious c´est by periods that run, however I am there for you find solutions for example using leverage financial and/or tax l´effet (Pinel law e.g. with a credit).
What also is that the example on a placement at 7% it is
- net of inflation
- net of taxes and tax collection (hard, because the tax system is progressive)
- and compounds (ie interest must also produce 7% net of inflation and taxes)
Example we purchased €100 action which makes the 7% so there 7 euros which do not allow to purchase one share which will be 7% (need to wait to accumulate €100 considering that the purchase price does not vary) so to actually do much more than the 7% to have a compound rate
I propose a bit of mathematics, in fact compound interest are so important qu´il is a good idea to revise. You will see c´est a simple formula you learned in high school. This is the formula of the suites.
Simple interest
VF = Vi + Vin(1+ p)/100 = Vi + Vinp
Compound interest
VF = Vi * (1 + p) power n
VF is the final value, Vi the initial value, p the rate of interest over a period, and n is the number of periods (years, semesters, quarters, etc.). The habit is to express the interest percentage rate, thus it will write 2% for p = 0.02 = 2%
EUR 10000 to 5% over 10 years
singles 10 000 + 10 000 * 0, 05 * 10 = 15 000
10 000 * 1.05 = 10 500
10 500 * 1.05 = 11 025
11 0 25 * 1.05 = 11 576,25
11 576,25 * 1.05 = 12 155,06
12 155,06 * 1.05 = 12 762,81
12 762,81 * 1.05 = 13 400,95
13 400,95 * 1.05 = 14 071,00
14 071 * 1.05 = 14 774,55
14 774,55 * 1.05 = 15 513,28
15 513,28 * 1.05 = 16 288.94
or yet 16288,94 = 10 000 *(1 + 0,05) power 10
with 10%
10 000 * (1 + 0.1) power 10 = 25 937,42
with 20%
10 000 * (1 + 0.2) power 10 = 61 917,36
with 2%
10 000 * (1 + 0.02) power 10 = 12 189,94
with 20% and 20 years
singles 10 000 + 10 000 * 0.2 * 20 = 50,000
compound 10 000 * (1 + 0.2) power 10 = 383 375.99
72 the magic number or how soon will double your investment
In finance, the rule of 72 is a method to estimate the time of doubling of capital. C´EST a major calculation to know.
In finance, the rule of 72, c´est a quick and simple calculation method that allows d´estimer the number of years required to double your capital. Simply take 72 and divide by the interest rate.
The rule of 72
In finance, the rule of 72 is a method to estimate the time of doubling of capital. In d´autres terms, c´est the time needed to double a sum.
The number of years required to double your capital is therefore roughly equals 72 divided by the interest rate.
Note qu´ each time we double the starting capital of the previous period. There are geometric manner and non-arithmetic way. Simplifying this implies therefore that l´on has 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1600 and non-100 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 500
So, for example, if you invest €100 with compound interest (c´est to say, interest must be added to the original amount) of 9% per year, the rule of 72 shall apply:
72 / 9 = 8 years. It takes so 8 years to double your money
This rule is applicable only if the rate is known
If capital is placed with a t % interest rate per period (typically, years), it takes 72/t periods to dub it.
4 per cent per annum, it takes 18 years, 6% it takes 12 years…
This rule dates back to the Renaissance. 70 would be more realistic, but 72, slightly pessimistic, promotes mental arithmetic.
It must for example 72% / 2% or approximately 35 years at 2%, but only 72% / 7% or approximately 10 years at 7%.
7%, capital goes from € 10 000 to € 20,000 in ten years, and then double again (from € 20 000 to € 40 000) the next ten years, and thus worth €80,000 after thirty years. In 35 years, the gain is therefore of more than 85 €000 7 per cent, against barely €10,000 to 2%. 20% your capital double about every 4 years. Accept a placement of 10000-20% doubling is that the sum is: 10,000, 20 000, 40 000, 80 000, 160 000, 320 000, 640 000, 1 280 000 in 28 years that says the fortune of some, put your son (or grandson) EUR 10 000 at birth (Yes this is not obvious) to 30 years the latter is millionaire (, admitting having 20% of performance)…
The rule of 72 helps therefore to answer two questions: the rate needed to double its capital and the time it will take.
Table of the d´annee number required to double capital
% yield | 72 divided by the number of years | Number of years |
0.75 (the libretto was in 2015) | 72 divided by 0.75% | 96 |
1% | 72 divided by 1% | 72 |
0 g | 72 divided by 2% | 36 |
3% | 72 divided by 3% | 24.0 |
4% | 72 divided by 4% | 18.0 |
4 D | 72 divided by 5% | 14.4 |
6% | 72 divided by 6% | 12.0 |
7% | 72 divided by 7% | 10.3 |
8% | 72 divided by 8% | 9.0 |
9% | 72 divided by 9% | 8.0 |
10% | 72 divided by 10% | 7.2 |
11% | 72 divided by 11% | 6.5 |
12% | 72 divided by 12% | 6.0 |
13% | 72 divided by 13% | 5.5 |
14% | 72 divided by 14% | 5.1 |
15% | 72 divided by 15% | 4.8 |
As you can see, a single contribution of €10,000 double 4 times faster to a return of 12% to 3% yield.
There is still that the libretto has n´a no meaning. 96 years are needed to double the value of the top capital c´est more qu´une life.
J did a simulation with rather safe assumptions (3% interest of 2% inflation). After 10 years, the gain value is only 21%, is really not huge and this allows to realize that if low interest essentially to protect its capital, but in no case this is a good way to get rich.
But what is the key to success?
Start early to save and invest in the performance now to maintain his standard of living in retirement. The time is the second key of compound interest. This rule perfectly illustrates what most personal finance sites encourage you to do so. Start early! More we begin to save and put money aside early in his life, more quickly your money will be able to grow to eventually double, triple or even quadruple…
In your life, how many are there periods during which the value of your money double?
Let's say your 30 years (time d´avoir a capital) at age 65 (your retirement and still I am very nice) so you have 35 years. Question is then how many times can double your money in 35 years?
However if you put l´argent in your children they may earn 25 to 30 years and capitalize for 65 years, or widely enough to grow this money (but do not place on A libretto for children, this n´a no meaning).
Second use of the formula
The rule of 72 can also be used to illustrate the power d´erosion of inflation. Especially useful for people who are approaching their pensionable. Using this calculation, you can estimate the number of years it will take before the cost of living double. Where, more clearly, how long it will take before your purchasing power only decreases by half.
Remember that the inflation rate is the rate of increase in the price of goods and services for an individual over time. If the inflation rate is 5% and should remain constant for future years, this means that the prices of goods and services will increase at a rate of 5% per year. Compare with minimum wage increases of 1.5% to 2%. It was quickly realized that over time it loses money.
Specifically, suppose that you are retired and anticipated an inflation rate of 5% per year for the next few years. Thanks to the rule of 72, simply divide 72 by 5 and this will provide an estimate of when the cost of living will double, which equals an approximation of 14 to 15 year olds (72 ÷ 5 = 14.4, shown in pink on the table).
To be more exact it just remove the 5% average rate of your pensions upgradings, admit 2% annual. Therefore, calculation using 3% so 72/3 24 years, knowing that the it does not move your own expenses (more on aged more expensive health).
The rule of 72 is going to make you aware of the value of time and interest. Playing on the two tables, you can easily make a fortune (see curve below.)
Give me a point of support, I will raise the world… or lever l´effet

The leverage effect refers to the use of debt to increase the investment capacity of a company, a financial institution or an individual and the impact of such use on the profitability of the capital invested.
L´Effet of financial leverage is very important
Why lever l´effet is important? C´EST simply a trick of financiers to increase their income without insofar as the project earns more. You say impossible c´est, and well I answer not, possible to gain more c´est without provided qu´un project is inherently more cost-effective.
Example: your investments report 10%, your Bank lends to 5%,
Scenario 1 I place 1000 j´obtiens 100 euros or 10 percent / annual, c´est the classic strategy of Mr everyone.
Scenario 2 I place 1000 j´emprunte 1000, I place so 2000 get me 200 and I pay 50 to the Bank,
I guard 150 for a return of 15 percent (150/1000 which are to me, because I pay 1000 to the Bank)… And there you have 15% annual return with a product that n´en reported as 10. Great if d´emprunts rates are low.
OK well this theory, but otherwise in practice can be l´utiliser where specifically? And well there's two places or you can l´utiliser in general c´est l´immobilier and the SCPI.
Used properly, leverage can help you get rich very quickly. It allows you to buy more properties with your capital. Indeed you will buy with l´argent other goods which will refer to l´argent. If you repay less if it makes you, you win.
It is important to know how the financial lever. Indeed, if the use of leverage is like l´autoroute to create massive wealth and get rich, it is also the fastest way to lose a lot of money and make an accident if you do not properly!
Attention, leverage plays in both directions
If economic profitability (won %) is greater than the cost of debt (pay percentage), refers to positive leverage, because in this case the financial profitability is positively impacted. C´EST the desired case.
Otherwise, i.e. If economic profitability is lower than the cost of debt (my investments report 10 but my credit is 20), leverage plays this time in the opposite direction: one speaks then of 'Club effect' or 'boomerang effect '. There however you can lose a substantial amount.
Example 2
- I place a 1000 j´emprunte 1000, I place so 2000 get me 50 and I pay 50 to the Bank.
50/1000 = 0%
- I place a 1000 j´emprunte 1000, I place so 2000 get me 0, because I nothing earned n´ai and I pay 50 to the Bank.
50/1000 = – 5%
- I place a 1000 j´emprunte 1000, I place so 2000 refer-100, because I nothing earned n´ai and made a loss and I pay 50 to the Bank.
150/1000 = – 15%
- I place a 1000 j´emprunte 1000, I place so 2000 refer-200, because I nothing earned n´ai and made a loss and I pay 50 to the Bank.
250/1000 = – 25%
- I place 1000 j´emprunte 10000, I place so 11000 it brings me 1100 and I pay 50 to the Bank.
1050/1000 = 105%
There qu´une loss of 100 is equal to 15% and + 200 to + 15% gain, because it y the Bank loan, if the loss is of 200 with the cost of the loan is lost 25%.
In fact l´effet of leverage to increase profitability d´un investment at the expense of the risk. Lever L´Effet exchange of profitability compared to the risk! It is highly used in l´immobilier. Use the leverage is an excellent way to accelerate the growth of your heritage to become rich. But whenever you use the lever, you increase your risk, you can on this point see my article on triangle financial
Why this effect is widely used in l´immobilier or certain products?
Quite simply, because real estate is a much more stable investment that most other types of investment, for example, actions. Thus, even a building bought with a strong financial leverage will be much less risky than purchasing shares. C´EST d´ailleurs to not increase the risk that the Bank seeks a contribution. However if you do a Pinel type placement, however take everything (with rates of 2015 2016)
There remains, however, that if you endettez you heavily to acquire a building, you may cause the risk of not knowing refund deadlines if an unfortunate event (extended rental empty, default of payment on the part of tenants, major repairs,…).
Ditto on the funds in euros or the SCPI.
Particular case, certain financial derivatives allow the leverage effects of dozens of times, precisely because they are so stable that to have a gain / a visible loss it is better to use a leverage effect. Like most derivatives, options for example inherent leverage.
Leverage of 2 means that if you have a capital of 100, you will invest on 200.
Products with leverage
- L´Immobilier
- The SCPI
- Flexible funds will give the freedom to invest amounts exceeding the value of the shares they hold in the portfolio. Some investing from 0% to 100% equity, when others place up to 130% of the portfolio in shares through derivatives, which can boost performance.
- "trackers" or "ETF", which are exchange-traded index funds. Most simply replicate the evolution of an index, but some, sometimes referred to as "leverage", offer a leverage effect. They can allow you to speculate on two, three, four or five times the variation of an index. If the CAC 40 rose by 3%, the 'tracker CAC 40 × 4 leverage' increase by 12%.
- Certificates can have a lever that magnifies by two to ten times the daily performance of the action or the relevant index.
- On currencies, leverage can be much more important. The "Turbo" and "warrants on currency" allow to bet on rising or the drop of one currency over another with levers that can go up to 40 or 50 times.
- Up to 200 times with CFD (contracts for difference). What dream or cry.
The benefits of leverage l´effet
L´Effet lever allows you first to boost your performance, but not only.
C´est indeed a loan, which means that if you borrow either you n´avez not the ability to draft, in this case l´effet lever will allow you to d´investir on an inaccessible product.
Either you have the d´investir ability, but you invest in a larger project or you put your money in another project which allows to diversify your risk. These two strategies are really interesting for you.
In addition in the case of l´immobilier, a loan is always or almost covered by insurance, which can also cover your family in case of problems.
Lever L´Effet, c´est really l´epee double cutting edge of finance, but now you know finally pedal secret financial d´acceleration you will be able to set foot on l´accelerateur you.
What can you expect on the basis of what you can invest each month?
If you pay you say:
- 10% you will have a small wool socks, but will never be rich,
- 20% you will have a comfortable retirement,
- 40% you seriously enjoy d´une pre retirement
- If your investments exceed your needs you are really rich and independent, because after all, you sell more time to live.
However, reassure you as and extent of the time if you invest well d´excedents monthly share will increase. At least if you read my site.
A rule of thumb of finance is to say that any asset financial in the 3 following characteristics:
- Liquidity: ability to quickly monopolize the money, or ability of resale
- Performance: how much you'll earn
- Risk: what are the probabilities of losing
No serious financial instrument displays the three qualities (high yield, low risk, high liquidity) at the same time.
A product that would present the qualities of the upsells or minimizations of the three vertices of this triangle is either insufficiently explained, are not state one of the characteristics that determine, either hiding a defect and deserves this title further analysis.
Corollary of this rule of thumb:
- highly liquid investments (type booklet), without risk, only offer low yields: is the case of the monetary products
- highly liquid investments, with high, performance expectations were high levels of risk: this is the case of the actions
- highly liquid investments, with a high level of risk, offer high performance potentials: this is the case of the options
The risk-reward ratio or become the master
Why this couple?
Why this couple?
Because investors are willing to take more risks than in Exchange for a higher expected return. In a market where access to financial products is the same for all investors, it is impossible to get a profitability high with low risk or no. This means that a niche market is possible.
Symmetrically, an investor wishing to improve the profitability of its portfolio must agree to take more risks (see the CPAM model).
Each investor is more or less "risquophobe", it has its own assessment of the "optimal" balance risk/return.
The behaviour regarding the risk also depends on the amount to save. If the amount of savings is important, the investor can devote a portion of the total amount for risky investments. On the other hand, if the level of savings is low, low-yielding but safe investments are preferred. It is not optimum for that risky assets or assets without risk.
It is the difference between the performance of State borrowing (because it is considered as safe, Editor's Note: and Greece Hein?) and the return of a more risky investment, as an obligation of company or an action. In other words, it is the additional compensation is offered to the investor to accept to buy these bonds or these actions rather than subscribe to Government.
As regards actions, considered traditionally are more efficient in the long run than bonds because of the higher risk they represent.
More a company is in a difficult situation, more great are the doubts on its ability to repay its borrowings (bonds) or profits (shares), more the price of the bonds it issues will be low and the course of its low shares.
Studies have shown us that the assets most volatile (so the higher risk) were (in descending order) the stocks, bonds and the currency. Indeed, the actions are most sensitive to the good and bad news, as a result of this asset class the class at the prospect of the most interesting performance (but also the riskiest asset class). However, we often notice that detention on the long-term actions reduced volatility, thereby reducing the risk associated with these assets.
Also note that for example the yield increases with barriers, for example more you invest more performance is strong, especially as it is blocked long
example in Hexagon
example more borrowing is long more rate rises.
There is more risk over the back is important and most requested rate climbs severely.
Stock Exchange, l´astuce to win
The tricks to gain out of purse.
If you've read my article on the CAPM you know qu´il must diversify. Hey we must therefore invest in any ACC. Indeed investing in any ACC the risk of each action is very low, then from some d´un number d´actions, it is no longer much in the portfolio. Admit that you invest in a midle CAC (c´est to say not necessarily larger values not scholarship) with many more values so you have good diversification.
If you've read my other articles you know for example that l´assurance life is good fiscally speaking support. Indeed, after 8 years it is excellent.
Then, be careful, because if you buy each on a stock you have line charges to your Bank what ruin your investment. It is more interesting for example to take a derivative which replicates (attention to this qu´il not to lose value over time) the ACC or a life mostly in the ACC.
Therefore you must:
- diversifying by investing in many actions
- enjoy d´un good support fiscally speaking as l´assurance life
- be careful not to buy for example actions line-by-line, but rather a drift or life insurance (dynamic France for example).
Now my tip personal gain out of purse, the method of two barriers.
The stock market c´est roller coaster, it climbs and descends. She is ordered to do so. Yet even with all the theories none works perfectly. Yet j´ai found a good trick. In fact j´investis on l´indice, in life insurance, I leave the selection manager. Good up there nothing d´extraordinaire.
My point, look at graphics, if you draw a line between the top and bottom which made a barrier high and low. Let's say that the values move between 3000 and 6000 in 95% of cases.
Made a small scale with values 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000. Now useless d´etre magician to know when to invest. I n´ai not need to understand the subtleties of the trick. I do my little table and voila. Me what I do, I read, my scale and j´investis. I come back in 3 months look d´oeil and voila I Roundup. Idiot like method or just great?
Value of ACC | Attitude |
+ 7000 | Value never reached |
6000-7000 | ACC is the highest my chances to climb are weak, my chances of loss some. I sell everything |
5000-6000 | The ACC is high my chances to climb most are weak, my chances of strong losses. I sell |
4000-5000 | The ACC is rather above my chances to climb most are mild to moderate, my chances of losses are likely. I keep between 4000et 4500 or I sell above |
3000-4000 | ACC is mixed my chances to climb more correct, my chances of losses are medium-sized. I keep or j´investie if there is 3000-3500 |
2000-3000 | The ACC is rather lower my chances to climb are good, my chances of losses are low. J´investie |
1000-2000 | The ACC is very low my chances to climb are huge my chances of losses are very low. J´investie at bottom |
Why this method of two barriers is brilliant?
Simply, because it is easy, just d´avoir of time to be almost certain to win. In fact the variation of the stock exchange is not necessarily a bad thing, we know qu´elle up and down. Just know take advantage of this fact to earn l´argent.
When I have the most d´argent?
When the newspapers scream disaster and crisis, I spend behind when everyone is crying and I don't buy for not a round. If you ask your banker and qu´il you said the "stock market goes well", c´est the wrong time. Good course should not invest if the country goes into a war. But in general this method is pay (the risk zero n´existe not). Attention however need time to be and l´argent.
Why does the method work?
ACC always highs and lows, perfectly normal c´est, but if you invest in the trough of the wave you can likely that all companies d´un countries HS however you chances are qu´elles back after a few years. The method request for patience, but is very charged, I sometimes 20% annual. As said above the stock market c´est like a roller coaster, and you have to just be patient qu´elle descend to invest.
Read l´echelle simply. This n´a method nothing really scientific, but empirically solid c´est.
Emergency Fund or your emergency kit in finance
When quest towards wealth, I encourage you to start at the same time to establish an emergency fund. C´EST your step mandatory number 1.
What is an emergency fund?

When quest towards wealth, I encourage you to start at the same time to establish an emergency fund. C´EST your step mandatory number 1.
What is an emergency fund?
It is very simple: it is a sum of money into a special bank account to which you never, except in an emergency. This is not money that you are going to invest one day or the other. This amount remains there quietly, and you'll forget you have it. But if one day you have an emergency (loss of job, illness, accident, etc.), you'll be very happy to find.
How many?
In fact c´est also very simple it takes in average l´equivalent 3-6 months of your needs, i.e. l´ensemble of your normal loads (with repairs of your objects). Managers call this the need for working capital or BFR. Through our d´instabilite, it is higher than in the stable periods.
Thus, if your monthly expenses such as food, rent, car, monthly payments of taxes, etc… are of €2,000, your goal should be to have a background of emergency between 6,000 and $12,000 or euros.
Where Placer?
We place e.g. 1 or 1.5 salary d´avance in its account current, the rest is done on a booklet available (livret A, LDD, etc).
Because if you don't have an emergency fund, and you have a financial emergency, your only option will be to back off, and get into debt to cope with the emergency. Moreover your situation becomes too unstable. Because every month it y of changes in (premiums, repairs, etc). The goal is then to take into account and d´avoir of the reserves for emergencies (case of something, etc) only. Indeed the working capital fund should be sufficient to keep fluctuations of your entries output d´argent without touching your overdraft. Indeed in the long term an overdraft must apply to even more you.
Error not to commit
Often in France I see elderly people completely disconnected from reality. Indeed they have an income of €2000 for pension, use €1500 and have full booklet A LDD, etc (all). A true loss dry fear running out of liquid. Indeed he has no interest in having as much.
And after?
As soon as the bottom is full, you can go to the investment section, because good purpose c´est when even making your money work for qu´il reports.
Make a point on your situation:
Analysis of your heritage:
Analyze how much you have, what your income. Calculate your sources of income as a percentage of your total. Also, look at how you can rate each month. If c´est less than 10% you have a problem also.
If 100% of your revenue come from the work you have a problem
Distribution of heritage
Or you have your money. For example, if you have l´equivalent over 6 months of charges on a booklet available c´est that you make mistakes. Indeed this money must work for you and not lose value.
Risk short term
Know qu´il must have 3-6 months d´avance on his account in the case where.
Existing products:

p style= »text-align: justify; »>In this article we will see overall different types d´investissements that l´on can be found on the market, I am of course talking about simple investments.
The poor and the middle class buy the sweat of their brow of the liabilities items that have no real value as soon as they brought back home. The rich, they buy assets that generate income that make them become even richer. The rich buy bonds, stocks, companies and the poor buy debts. I propose you here a list of existing assets.
Banking and finance
I here indicates the list of products which you find from your banker or your insurer, you can easily find most of the following investments, all are interesting, but they each have a different objective.
This is a list of major available logs. C´EST your first "investment".
-CEL (housing savings account).
-CODEVI (industrial development account).
-Sara (popular savings booklet).
-Booklet has.
-Livret bleu.
-Livret jeune.
Advantages: Booklets have l´avantage d´etre guaranteed and available.
Cons: The counterpart of this availability c´est qu´ils are only reserves in case of blow. Unable to really make l´argent with, they are bad investments.
Mode d´utilisation: do not really intend to make a profitable investment, despite all the pubs in banks, the booklets are that this qu´ils are a reserve fast and available d´argent.
Other booklets and traditional plans
PEL (housing savings plans)
Savings blocked, recoverable. C´EST a guaranteed investment, the rate is better than the books and you can enjoy d´un interesting credit (sometimes).
Useful traded for investing in paying can tax, this is not is a product d´investissement, c´est one place or store your actions by paying less d´impots. To combine with an account title to your other investments.
PEA – SME (savings plans into action for small and medium-sized enterprises)
Useful traded for investing in paying can tax, this is not is a product d´investissement, c´est one place or store your actions by paying less d´impots. To combine with an account title to your other investments.
PEE (company savings plans)
The company savings plan (EEP) is a collective savings system set up within the company. It allows the employee to increase its revenues by the creation of a portfolio of securities with the help of the company. Same as the PEA
PERCO (collective retirement savings plans).
Savings for retirement plan collectif (Perco) allows the employee to build a savings. It is accessible at the time of retirement annuity or, if the collective agreement so provides, in the form of capital. Looks like the PEA and PEE.
Advantages: Good tax-free products, it is these products that you relate to l´argent.
Disadvantage: Some understanding is necessary
Mode d´utilisation: these products are the heart of your savings because they bring the performance. On range actions..
Term account
Looks like a blocked booklet
Advantages: C´est a product guaranteed. There is for all the terms d´investissement (3/6 months etc)
Disadvantage: It lacks pay.
Mode d´utilisation: to place the cash in short term.
The undertakings for collective investment of transferable securities means investment funds represented by two families: the SICAV and FCP. The difference between the two families of products, SICAV and FCP, is essentially legal: the principle is to take several products and offer you a basket without the need d´acheter all products in the basket so you have a fraction of a basket for a significantly lower amount. Main UCITS are: currency, bond, stock, to-hedge funds, of formula funds, diversified
Benefits: interesting
Disadvantage: Some understanding is necessary
Mode d´utilisation: L´assurance life and l UCITS are put in the same basket as d´utilisation.
some RPF
-FCPI (venture capital funds in innovation).
-FIP (proximity investment fund RPF).
-SOFICAS (financing of cinema and audiovisual companies.
-SUCH (financing of small-scale fishing societies).
Life insurance
The vocation of origin of life insurance is to guarantee payment of a certain sum of money (capital or annuity) whenever an event related to the insured: his death or survival. It should nevertheless make the distinction between the death insurance known as 'insurance death' who pays the capital or the pension in case of death and life (also called life insurance) insurance, which pays a capital or an annuity if life to maturity of the contract (if death ahead of nothing is due to the estate).
What is commonly called "life insurance" in France is a contract of insurance death (capital paid in the event of death before the term of the contract) with "insurance"(contre-assurance)", i.e. the refund of premiums paid for the duration of the contract in the event of life of the insured at the end of the contract, and possibly plus technical interest under the contract. This allows to present a quasi-produit of savings, with the tax benefits of insurance. It is also possible to buy out his contract before the deadline.
Life insurance can also grow funds while pursuing a long-term goal: retirement, a real estate investment, etc. It also offers significant tax benefits in succession.
Contracts can be in euros or monosupports: they are only invested in funds euro (Government bonds in majority).
There are also d´autres contracts which, involving both a Fund in euros and units of account (or CPU) invested in shares of SICAVS, FCP (i.e. UCITS) or trackers, themselves mostly invested in shares or bonds.
Benefits: interesting
Disadvantage: Some understanding is necessary
Mode d´utilisation: L´assurance life l UCITS are put in the same basket as d´utilisation, but the PERP is less useful.
The PERP (popular retirement savings plan).
Exit only annuity
The contract may provide additional in the event of death of the insured as guarantees:
-A life annuity for the beneficiary designated in the contract.
-Annuity education for the benefit of minor children.
-A disability pension.
The perp (popular retirement savings plan) is an insurance contract whose payments are deductible against income and allows for the payment of a life annuity (at life) upon departure or retirement from 60 years
Advantages: Interesting for some cases
Disadvantage: Some understanding is necessary
Mode d´utilisation: specific
The survival pension.
The survival annuity is an insurance contract which the recipient is a person with a disability. It shall be achieved infirmity not allowing her to train or to exercise an activity under normal conditions.
Advantages: Interesting for some cases
Disadvantage: Some understanding is necessary
Mode d´utilisation: specific
The disability savings.
The savings disability contract is an insurance contract for a minimum of 6 years, which the insured is a person with a disability.
Advantages: Interesting for some cases
Disadvantage: Some understanding is necessary
Mode d´utilisation: specific
Financial products
An action is a property title issued by a capital company (e.g. a limited company or a Société en commandite par actions). It gives its holder the ownership of part of the capital, with the rights associated: intervene in the management of the company and remove an income called dividend.
Advantages: These are good products.
Disadvantage: A good understanding is required
Mode d´utilisation: these products are the heart of your savings because they bring the performance. The actions are put in the account title or PEA. Think about diversifying, note also that your bank charges by lines, so it must be sums otherwise prefer a UCITS.
An obligation is a part of the debts of a loan. see l´article here
Advantages: These are good products. With a price stable and easy to understand.
Disadvantage: A less good than shares performance
Mode d´utilisation: these products are the heart of your savings stability with one can less performance. Often they are variable rate and it knows to l advance performance. Think about diversifying, note also that your bank charges by lines, so it must be sums otherwise prefer a UCITS.
That is what derivatives?
These are Financial Instruments whose value is derived for the most part, the price or price with a value on which they are based (shares, currencies, effects).
The purpose of derivatives.
The goal is not to play to the trader, but es management instruments financial risks are used to cover the risks. The 7 families of derivatives are
-"Contracts for difference": CFD
-Contracts 'future.
-Turbo certificates
Advantages: huge potential
Disadvantage: A thorough understanding is needed
Mode d´utilisation: these products are marginal in your savings, they are often risky, have can lose more than the initial bet. Discouraged at the beginning.
Real estate
Although l´immobilier is a non-liquid product, there nevertheless several advantages. People always need accommodations, l´immobilier lets you borrow (j´ai tried to claim a credit for investing in a banker, he refuses, because you're too d´argent and c ´est illegal to be too d´argent according to some banks, conclusion: change of banker.)
Rent not furnished.
Through the creation of a land deficit
-Land deficit.
-Robien (acquisitions until 31/12/09).
-Popular Borloo (acquisitions until 31/12/09).
-Historical monuments.
By a direct tax reduction
-Demessine (ZRR)
For rent furnished.
-LMP (professional furnished rental)
-LMNP (non-professional furnished rental)
Advantages: These are good products. In fact real estate is always a good choice.
Disadvantage: A good understanding is required
Mode d´utilisation: L advantage real estate l c´est facility d´emprunt, performance is low, but l leverage strong.
In REITs (real estate investment society), known as "stone paper"
The purpose of a civil society of real estate investment is the acquisition and management of a real estate professional. The management company deals to raise money from individuals, find assets in which to invest, manage this estate Park and redistribute rent or tax benefits to its unitholders, the "shareholders".
Advantages: These are good products.
Disadvantage: A good understanding is required, attention is often responsible for unlimited manner.
Mode d´utilisation: product to hold in its portfolio when it starts to have the maturity and provided that real estate l is not your only investment.
Other products excluding categories
The wine, a placement full. Investment wines have become a full-fledged asset class. The wine becomes in turn produces desire, consumption, investment and collection. Although subject to the vagaries of market, the course progress with time: invest in wine fits in the medium to long term.
Advantages: These are products of diversification.
Disadvantage: Reserved for experts
Mode d´utilisation: speculative and marginal in your wallet
They are an interesting choice for investing. They sell globally and will reassess with resale. They give fun and a better quality of life. Antiques are our minds and our sensitivity. They improve the atmosphere of the House giving a major social prestige. They are unique and proprietary. Downside, they are fragile and are often difficult to carry, more expensive restoration and the value is highly speculative.
Advantages: These are products of diversification.
Disadvantage: Reserved for experts
Mode d´utilisation: speculative and marginal in your wallet
Raw materials
To invest, it is possible to act in two ways. First of all, you can take position on futures markets. To do this, it comes to buy or sell a contract term on a given raw material: wheat, cotton, oil, uranium, etc. Each contract indicates the quantity of raw material involved. It is also possible to position itself on a collective investment fund, with a stock whose price is indexed in raw materials. What are UCITS. Or then by investing in farmers (monsanto, etc)
Despite all its attractions, investment on raw materials remains easily accessible to individuals:
-L' physical purchase does not seem realistic to part for l´or or money. Indeed, it requires transportation and storage of potentially perishable materials.
-l'evolution of their prices is strongly associated with the level of production or even at the level of the estimated natural reserves, particularly in the case of products on energy. Geopolitical and climatic factors may also affect their courses.
-In times of inflation, a trend to the rise in prices of raw materials. This allows therefore to cover part of his portfolio against rising prices. However, because the majority of these products are quoted in US dollars, there is a negative correlation with variations of this motto.
Advantages: These are products of diversification.
Disadvantage: Reserved for experts
Mode d´utilisation: speculative and marginal in your wallet
Historically, men have been fascinated by gold or l´argent. These rare and precious metals to the properties of resistance to weather extraordinary have unique properties that make it one of the main symbols of wealth around the world. Physical L´Investissement is quite possible, but l investment in companies also. There are d´autres metals (Platinum and palladium)
Benefits: Can be transported easily,
Disadvantage: Reserved for experts or those who want to have something of value in times of crisis.
Mode d´utilisation: speculative and marginal in your wallet
The forest seduced investors seeking values shelters. They are more likely to buy shares of forest land groups. Then they no longer have the concern of management, but they do not have the enjoyment of their forest. The forest is a safe haven, but low yield.
Advantages: These are good products.
Disadvantage: A good understanding is required, the sector being particular
Mode d´utilisation: Marginal in your wallet.
Simple d´acces, low capital, choice of platforms, easy to understand. Often a good choice to start a portfolio, however follow a minimum these investments.
Advantages: These are good products.
Disadvantage: Often not large-cap
Mode d´utilisation: A product to start, c is often corporate bonds, to set path between UCITS and the pure obligation. Product to hold in its portfolio or instead d´ a UCITS. There are plenty (lendix / finsquare /crowdimo / anaxago)
Bitcoin and others
The value of these currencies is especially for l´usage qu´il can d´en do and speculative value.
Advantages: This occurred with potential.
Disadvantage: A good understanding is required
Mode d´utilisation: marginals, it takes s´y know, can be a d´avenir currency, because the State wish no doubt remove liquid silver l.
Excellent choice d´investissement, education, health, family are highly profitable. Your initial investment, but don't put any in your work, because a day has only 24 hours.
Many products are available, by the booklets, then start the UCITS or insurance, then the actions, the crowdfunding and bonds and real estate l finish with the icing of your choice. Always by investing in you.
Analyze the various exciting products:
- The scholarship, she is condemned to ride then descend are best rate is 6000, currently at 4480, the upside potential is low (20 percent increase), but decline is fort(+60pour cent de perte possible), if you had shares, sell, if you had not c´est too late for l´instant. Wait, the stock market is bearish at the moment and for a while, then later you can buy water, food, energy, etc, they are investments long term or short term speculation. By buying stock on first makes a deal to purchase non-not with gains, but the purchase value is decisive.
-L´or, it fell well, but I can't tell you if c is finally the right time or not to buy (c is really not my specialty metals and raw materials), anyway l gold has not so much useful value, c´est above all a value because of speculation on the price level.
-L stop: see the curve of Frigit, however l´immobilier already lost value this year (we invested during crash, not when the market is doing well)
-Booklets: all ridiculous in percentage, without interest except the liquid having
-Debts of the States, bof bof, they are still well ruined and not wanting to make reforms, in my opinion this will end as at each time, l´etat will go up taxes, then ruined will make outstanding payments.
-Debts of companies: Yes there is still what to do (but the rate is falling), in fact loans are interesting even if the percentage decreases at this time Damn, for that I recommend is to go through your bank to open a mutual fund or an insurance (method I don't mind nothing). The advantage c is that it allows to add semi-liquid heritage in your wallet. Otherwise if you like mastering a longer look at the term obligation on the internet. You can invest in companies on some sites of crowdfunding (n´oubliez no you diversify), I give you a few references that I use at the moment (management is more delicate, but the most interesting gain). You can d´en do what you want
Some french serious sites:
https://www.unilend.FR/ French SMEs French SMEs French SMEs real estate in France
Bolden French SMEs
credit.FR French SMEs, note that there is a bonus of 10% within the limit of € 100 Promo Code: P10073
pretup French SMEs code promo 0JWN5CH1
Some serious not french but European sites: efficient credit to individuals, but the risk is proportional to the performance no l never forget in finance
well, looks a lot like the other french sites
English, credit mortgage, nice, but in pound sterling
A few videos and blogs to watch
Robert Kiyosaki – 60 Minutes To Getting Rich
Investopedia Video: Compound Interest
How to Escape the Rat Race,d.ZGU
a game to understand the principle:
Some books:
To learn more:
Here are my selections for you.
2 interesting books:
Everyone deserves rich d´etre by olivier seban ISBN-13: 978 – 2840017042 a bestseller
Father rich poor father, Robert T. Kiyosaki ISBN-13: 978 – 2892258578 number one sales very long and due to
A magazine: point 2015 with the title generation pigeon or my article generation sacrificed (basically the same thing but improved)
The richest man in Babylon ISBN-10: 1607964252 G
To understand the accounting:
A DUT GEA accounting course
the DCG of dunod books
DCG 1 – Introduction au droit – 2016/2017 – 7th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 2 – right of the 2016/2017 corporations – 7th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 2 – law 2015/2016 – 9th edition – manual and applications
DCG 3 – social law 2015/2016 – 9th ed – Applications, corrected and manual included
DCG 3 – right social 2016/2017 – 7th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 4 – tax law – 2016/2017 – 8th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 4 – tax law 2015/2016 – 9th edition – manual and Applications
DCG 4 – tax law 2015/2016 – 9th ed – corrected by manual
DCG 5 economy – 4th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 5 – economy – 5th edition – manual and applications
DCG 6 – Corporate Finance – 5th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 6 – Corporate Finance – 5th ed – corrected manual
DCG 6 – Corporate Finance – 5th edition – manual and applications
DCG 7 – Management – 4th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 7 – Management – 4th edition – applications, corrected and manual included
DCG 8 – management information systems – 3rd ed. -All-in-one
DCG 8 – management information systems – mostly in sheets
DCG 9 – Introduction to accounting 2016/2017 – 7th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 9 – Introduction to accounting 2015/2016 – 7th ed. -Manual and applications
DCG 9 – Introduction to accounting 2015/2016 – 7th ed – corrected manual
DCG 10 – In-depth accounting 2016/2017 – 6th ed. -Mostly in sheets
DCG 10 – In-depth accounting 2015/2016 – 6th edition – manual and applications
DCG 10 – In-depth accounting 2015/2016 – 6th ed – corrected by manual
DCG 11 – Management control – key information in data sheets
DCG 11 – Management control – 3rd edition – manual and applications
DCG 11 – Management control – 3rd edition – corrected by manual
DCG 12 – Applied to business – 4th ed. English -Mostly in sheets
DSCG 1 – legal, tax and social management 2016/2017 – 6th edition – mostly in sheets
DSCG 2 – Finance – 3rd ed. -Mostly in sheets
DSCG 2 – Finance – 5th edition – manual and applications
DSCG 2 – Finance – 5th edition – corrected manual
DSCG 3 Management and management control – 2nd ed. -Mostly in sheets
DSCG 4 – accounting and auditing – 2015/2016 – 6th ed – manual and applications
DSCG 4 – merger Consolidation – 5th ed – mostly in sheets 2016/2017
DSCG 4 – accounting and auditing – 2015/2016 – corrected manual
DSCG 4 – accounting and auditing – 4th ed. -Practical cases
DSCG 5 – Management of information systems – 3rd edition – manual and applications
To understand finance in general:
Verminem (chapter on capital asset pricing model is good), the book is big and in the master of finance we use it constantly (read is equivalent to a master of corporate finance), Dalloz management, ISBN-10: 2247151906
behavioral finance, Marie-Hélène Broihanne, ISBN-10: 2717849432 however a few notions of mathematics bac + 1 are needed (in the books of this collection, some are almost unaffordable without spe math to the point that I could not finish them).
For the economy in general:
Microeconomics 8th Edition ISBN-13: 978 – 2744076015, 800 pages, Publisher: PEARSON, 8th edition (September 27, 2012), number one sales and not for nothing
Macroeconomics ISBN-13: 978 – 2744076367 Olivier Blanchard Publisher: PEARSON
economy international, Publisher: PEARSON EDUCATION; Edition: 10th edition (September 4, 2015), ISBN-10: 2326000986
For the policy:
Public choice (especially good references in English)
Choice public economic analysis of public Decisions, edition of broek 884pages, ISBN-10: 2804162117 Dennis Cary Mueller
Public management: theory and practice, iSBN 2804169413
On the wealth:
The best
EVERYONE DESERVES to be rich – 3rd Edition of Olivier Seban: ISBN: 9782840017042
Rich Dad, poor father: that rich parents… by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter: ISBN: 9782892254471
The good
The intelligent investor. A book of practical advice from Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffet: ISBN: 9782909356105
Think and get rich, ISBN 2290028827 book by Napoleon Hill
For the key d´humour (history to finish with a smile):,d.ZGU
A game to understand the principle:
Some books:
A few videos and blogs to watch
To learn more:
Here are my selections for you.
2 interesting books:
Everyone deserves rich d´etre by olivier seban
Father rich poor father, Robert T. Kiyosaki
A magazine: point 2015 with the title generation pigeon
A few videos and blogs to watch
Robert Kiyosaki – 60 Minutes To Getting Rich
Investopedia Video: Compound Interest
How to Escape the Rat Race,d.ZGU
a game to understand the principle:
Other selection for those who s´interessent more at l´economie
To understand the accounting:
A course in accounting of DUT GEA (dunod DCG books)
To understand finance in general:
Verminem (chapter on capital asset pricing model is good) + behavioral finance
For the economy in general:
Microeconomics 8th Edition ISBN-13: 978 – 2744076015
Macroeconomics ISBN-13: 978 – 2744076367
Economics international edition pearson
For the policy:
Public choice (not really of good reference in french for instant l)
On the wealth:
The best
EVERYONE DESERVES to be rich – 3rd Edition of Olivier Seban: ISBN: 9782840017042
Rich Dad, poor father: that rich parents… by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter: ISBN: 9782892254471
The good
The intelligent investor. A book of practical advice from Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffet: ISBN: 9782909356105
Think and get rich
Book by Napoleon Hill
Date of original publication: 1937
For the key d´humour (history to finish with a smile):
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