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The Government and businesses, are looking not they do not know the subject

At the corner of google + I found this #expérience #entreprise #gouvernement #compétence #humour (suite…)

How to win with a bear market, the brexit example

How to make money in a bear market? Although the Greek crisis or the brexit or the Asian crisis, these strategies that …

→ 07/05/2016


→ 05/05/2016


→ 30/04/2016


Will you still have a job a few years? These robots may take you.

And after the Director of the Institute for Information Technology at Rice University in Texas, Moshe Vardi, robots can already take the …

Complete course on l´echange

Complete course on l´echange. Here you will find lots of interesting information. This course will give you a beautiful vision of the …

The banks will now be able to directly take the accounts of depositors l´argent

Bankrupt banks rely too much on their depositors. Only accounts with more than 100,000 euros of deposits are concerned, according to a …

→ 16/12/2015


→ 14/12/2015


Model of Evaluation of assets financial or Capital Asset Pricing Model

The model of evaluation of financial assets (CAPM), translation of the English Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) provides an estimate of the …

→ 23/11/2015


→ 22/11/2015


Pareto's law: bet on the right horse

Often I quote the Pareto principle, also known as Pareto's law, the 80-20 principle or law of 80-20, but one has me …

→ 20/10/2015


→ 19/09/2015


→ 19/09/2015


Government at Bay, what does do?

I just see a few laws that are beginning to scare me. Especially while the country doesn't already have d´emplois. More j´ai …

The paradox of savings

The paradox of savings is a paradox of Economics proposed by John Maynard Keynes. The paradox is this: if everyone saves more …

The magic square of Nicholas Kaldor

Introduction: The magic square, invented by Nicholas KALDOR (1908-1986), to define the 4 main points of the economic policy d´un countries. (suite…)

Debt in l´histoire: how it ends?

For several hundred years States s´endettent (policy stimulus, for example), and we will see through this article how this ends at the …

Performance / risk / liquidity

A rule of thumb of finance is to say that all financial assets a 3 of the following: Liquidity: ability to quickly …

Generation sacrificed, why the life of young people is difficult in this crisis?

The war of the generations. For power. For the money. For employment. For some, everything was confiscated by the older, baby boomers …

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