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Personal Finance, Page 2

It comes to personal finance, this has much to do with pure finance you will find rather in understanding the world or scholarship.
Here we teach you to manage your budget, get rich with key concepts: the performance is associated with risk, the power of compound interest, the principle assets and liabilities…

→ 09/10/2015


→ 04/10/2015


Families of investments

In this article we will see different types of investments that we can find on the market, overall I am of course …

→ 23/08/2015


→ 15/08/2015


The different types of risk in finance

Financial risk is a risk of losing money due to a financial transaction (on a financial asset) or an economic operation with …

Performance / risk / liquidity

A rule of thumb of finance is to say that all financial assets a 3 of the following: Liquidity: ability to quickly …

→ 19/04/2015


→ 19/04/2015


72 the magic number

In finance, the rule of 72 is a method to estimate the time of doubling of capital. C´EST a major calculation to …

The power of compound l´interet

Here I present to you the compound interest or l´effet snowball. C´EST probably the concept the simplest, but the most powerful of …

→ 19/04/2015


3rd principle: PEGR and RPRG

3rd principle: PEGR (small effort big results); RPRG (big Efforts small results). In the life of every day watch and see who …

→ 19/04/2015


Enrichment principles: principle 1: assets and liabilities

To complete your financial education, we'll discuss some concepts of accounting including l´importance of the difference between active and passive. (suite…)

→ 19/04/2015


→ 19/04/2015


→ 19/04/2015


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