Babyloan: test and notice of the microcredit solidarity
Babyloan is the 1st solidarity microcredit in Europe Internet platform, and the 2nd in the world (after Kiva). On Babyloan, you can help a micro-entrepreneur paying a sum of money in a disinterested way. Once your money refunded (not n´aurez d´interets), you can re-lends it to support a new project. It is the strength of solidarity lending.
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- 1 Description
- 2 Why lend?
- 2.1 You set your loan to a person
- 2.2 You do the job of a banker
- 2.3 The social impact of your money is leveraged
- 2.4 You also help a family
- 2.5 You make your useful savings!
- 2.6 It is you who choose
- 2.7 Starting from €10
- 2.8 Repayment every month
- 2.9 Possibility of re-lends or withdraw your money
- 2.10 A symbol
- 3 The funding model
- 4 What is microcredit?
- 5 The concept you are interested? Register here with a bonus.
- 6 Issue security
- 7 Sponsorship
- 8 My opinion
Launched in September 2008, Babyloan has more than 30,000 members who collected 9 million euros of solidarity cumulative loan allowing the creation or the development of 20,000 projects of micro-entrepreneurs.
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Why lend?
The solidarity lending strength lies in its leverage effect. Not only improve the living conditions of an entire family, but can support another project as soon as you are reimbursed.
There are many good reasons to lend on Babyloan! We have selected some:
You set your loan to a person
100% of your loan is allocated to the person of your choice.
You do the job of a banker
the beneficiary populations are excluded from the banking system. Without microcredit, they would have access to any mode of financing to develop their activity. Except to turn to a loan shark… By lending on Babyloan, you participate actively in the development of microcredit!
by making a first loan of €100 that you lend 2 again after repayments of micro-entrepreneurs, you've allowed to send field €300 with an initial contribution of €100.
You also help a family
a micro-entrepreneur made live on average 4 people. Giving him a loan, they are so 5 people who benefit directly from this solidarity loan.
You promote the empowerment: with your loan, you are helping someone to escape "by itself", and sustainable manner.
You make your useful savings!
Furthermore, Babyloan defends the philosophy that "small drops are large rivers". With a loan from €10, you greatly help a micro-entrepreneur of a country of the South.
It is you who choose
With the solidarity loan, it is you who choose (s) and project (s) support. And to facilitate your search, you can sort projects by country, sector of activity… You can of course support several people at the same time!
Starting from €10
You then set the amount of your solidarity loan from €10. When your payment, a contribution is added to ensure (inter alia) the transfer of your money and the maintenance of the site.
Repayment every month
Unlike a donation, you are reimbursed (e) monthly. Reimbursement is triggered as soon as a project is fully funded. Receipt of the email you indicating that, it takes about 2 months before your first repayment.
Possibility of re-lends or withdraw your money
As soon as your first repayment, two options are available to you: withdraw the amount from your bank account or lend again. It is the strength of the solidarity loan: with same initial amount, you can finance several people!
A symbol
Babyloan circular logo symbolizes the two forces of the solidarity loan:
the phasing-out of poverty: the micro-entrepreneur, by obtaining one or several microcredit, gradually improving its living conditions by developing its activity.
the leverage effect with the perpetual loan system. The money lent can be funds several times.
Vector of multiple interpretations, lenders have given to the O their own meaning on the Facebook page:
Emmanuelle: "a virtuous circle, an eternal repetition, I lend, it makes me, I lend again…". »
Jean-François: "an idea of movement perpetual, infinity, a snowball that gets bigger. »
Claude: "I would say actually that's the cycle money that after having been prepared is repaid then loaned again but with a sole beneficiary, he or she that has borrowed and which improved his life."
Nicolas: "the money running and allows each time the creation of new activities!
Sandrine: "pull the thread from the ball of poverty".
You have understood the principle of solidarity lending? We now invite you to discover the detail of the action, using onboard camera euros you send on the ground!
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The funding model
These are (unpaid) solidarity loan to refinance projects of micro-entrepreneurs (microcredit). A solidarity-based loan is the allocation of a sum of money to a micro-entrepreneur in one of the countries where works Babyloan. It is a loan and not a gift: your money back every month. This loan is solidarity because it is selfless. Solidarity lending is a form of innovative international solidarity that encourages empowerment. Solidarity lending is accessible to all since the minimum amount of a solidarity-based loan is € 10 selected .e a project no maximum, but from 2 €500 of cumulative on a year loan an anti-money laundering procedure is implemented.
The solidarity resource collected among the public by Babyloan enables microfinance institutions to fund low-cost (MFIS refinance commercial bank at rates between 8 and 15%) and power under terms lower interest rates charged to the beneficiaries of microcredit.
Your loan is registered on Babyloan. As soon your solidarity loan registered on the platform, our teams work starts. Our microfinance pole is monthly responsible for sending of the moneys on the ground.
Your loan is transferred to our local partner. We transfer funds once the project was funded completely on the site and all the purposes of months. Our local partner is a microfinance institution. It is the link on the spot with the entrepreneurs. Microfinance institutions assume several accompaniments financial and nonfinancial missions and manage the grant and the recovery of microcredits.

Your loan is affected by our local partner to the micro-entrepreneur you have chosen. The micro-entrepreneur, to develop its activity, is funded by the microfinance institution before or at the time when the project is published on Babyloan. Indeed, for economic reasons, the micro-entrepreneur can't wait the total funding for his project on the site to receive his solidarity loan. The microfinance institution advances funds. However your loan is well assigned accounting to the sustained micro-entrepreneur, who gave his agreement to be funded on Babyloan.
The micro-entrepreneur repays our local partner which, in turn, reimburses you. The micro-entrepreneur repays monthly our local partner with interest. Our local partner then reverse you the monthly payments on your account Babyloan.
Once rebates started, again: for you to make another solidarity loan! Once you are reimbursed (e), nothing more simple than to allocate this amount to a new micro-entrepreneur. The impact multiplied by your action lies in this virtuous loop allowing, at your level, to become a solidarity-based banker!
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What is microcredit?
Microcredit would have found its sources in Asia several millennia ago. But it is in the 1970s that microcredit took off under the leadership of Muhammad Yunus, bangladeshi Economist Nobel Prize for peace in 2006.
Micro-credit is a credit of low amount, with interest, granted to entrepreneurs who do not have access to traditional financial services.
This low borrowing allows the excluded populations of the traditional banking system to create or develop an income-generating activity. Microcredit can be individual or group.
Microcredit, a tool in the fight against poverty
Microfinance mission is to break the circle of poverty by offering tools for both social and financial development to improve the lives of the beneficiaries.
This is Muhammad Yunus, who popularized the microcredit, by creating a "Bank of the poor" in Bangladesh (Grameen Bank). He demonstrated that by lending of all small amounts can be changed permanently the lives of the poorest.

Microcredit has a strong impact in terms of increasing the economic power of the beneficiaries, to reduce exclusion and vulnerability to economic shocks, but it must be understood primarily as a tool for emancipation and empowering people.
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Microcredit, a tool for emancipation
Microcredit is not charity: it helps traditional banking excluded populations so that they become actors of development. Microfinance also offers non-financial services such as training, advice, activities of professionalization and awareness on various subjects.
Babyloan, you use in favour of microcredit lending money to the person of your me many people before you.

The mechanics is very simple: you choose a project in one of our countries in action, you make a loan from €10, you are reimbursed (e) monthly a part of the sum, and can then withdraw the money or lend again.
Babyloan is helping African entrepreneurs since its creation in 2008. Our company social and solidarity assistance today three sub-Saharan African countries: Benin, Senegal and Togo.
The Latin America
Very much present on this continent, Babyloan currently provides support to micro-entrepreneurs in five countries: Ecuador, Haiti, the Honduras, the Nicaragua and the Peru.
The Southeast Asia
Babyloan supports the Asian entrepreneurs since 2008, but since then, our company social and solidarity has developed four partnerships to help micro-entrepreneurs of the region in Cambodia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, and the Philippines.
Babyloan helps the European entrepreneurs from 2012 in France and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Arab world
Babyloan is committed very early in the Arab world, and our corporate social and solidarity is currently assisting micro-entrepreneurs of two countries in the area of North Africa and the Middle East: the Morocco and Palestine.
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Issue security
Company ABC Microfinance, which administers the Internet Babyloan site was incorporated in social enterprise: SAS with limited profit, wage gap limited in a ratio of 1 to 5, employee shareholders, etc.
Babyloan has 9 employees.
Refer a friend
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You are convinced by the Babyloan mechanics and would like to make it known to your loved ones? To thank you, we have created a system of sponsorship. The principle is simple: If two relatives perform their first loan thanks to you, we offer you a gift card!
Why a gift card rather than a credit of €10 on your piggy bank? To leave you the choice: you can send this card to one of your referrals to a third party… or use it yourself!
Solidarity lending research Ambassador! Thank you to promote the solidarity loan from your loved ones, we have developed a sponsorship offer allowing you to win a voucher for a loan of € 10 to use or offer.
To do this, send a message to your loved ones by email, on facebook or twitter with the following sharing tools. As soon as two friends lend thanks to you, you receive by email a Babyloan € 10 gift card!
My opinion
The site of Babyloan, we have access to some 50 projects of micro-entrepreneurs, from 15 countries of the world (countries in development but also in France). These projects we are put together the field by microfinance partner institutions. These are the local MFIS which provide for the selection of projects, support for entrepreneurs and the granting of microcredits. Babyloan is the intermediate allowing Internet users to refinance projects online. Therefore babyloan serves only d´intermediaire but the concept is really good. At the level of the platform it requires a time slightly more long d´accoutumance but nothing well wicked.
The loan made by the user is a philanthropic, it receives no remuneration and must pay a commission of about 5% of the amount loaned.
Each month, it is repaid and may choose to lend to an another micro-entrepreneur or recover his money in his bank account.
(For example, a user made a loan of € 200 to support an entrepreneur who has applied for a microcredit loan of €500 for 8 months. Each month, the surfer is reimbursed for €25.)
your dashboard
His solidarity project
Olivier lives in Colomars, in the South of the France. It manages Jewel Agency, a Council in jewellery for jewellery professionals (market research, support for the definition of budgets, creative process, logistics, etc.). The Agency also offers upgrades between Jewelers and designers for one-off orders or to create new jewelry lines. Olivier asks a microcredit to build cash.
For example on this loan while qu´il is possible to lend de €10, which allows to once again do not leave room only for big donors.
Philanthropy, it is helping others: be generous and supportive. No need to be rich to be philanthropist! Each may act at its level and become a philanthropist.
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Function: Babyloan ready for you
You want to regularly pay your repayments on Babyloan money but you do not have the time to connect or you fear to forget? The service «Babyloan ready for you» is made… For you! With this option, you can entrust us with your piggy bank, and we take care to lend your money to projects that match your criteria.
You will receive an email as soon as your piggy bank money has been assigned to a new project. You can also find full details of these loans in your personal space. Loans we've made for you are marked with a question mark.
Loans are made in your name as soon as you have enough money in your piggy bank. If you wish to pay manually, it is obviously possible. You can fly anytime option since your personal space.
Small dot on the gift card
Offer a card gift solidarity with Babyloan
You are looking for a beautiful gift idea for a loved one? A gift that is both original and meaningful? Give him a solidarity gift card, to discover the solidarity lending and help a person permanently out of poverty.
Babyloan, your solidarity gift has several lifetimes! When it is refunded, your relative may withdraw his money or make a new loan if the system has been pleased!
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