Why you will earn to invest your money in Lendix?


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You want to know why you go earn to invest in Lendix? You're going to touch? Here is an article for you

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C´est socially rewarding because

In the new fundraising from the crowdfunders allow to provide additional own funds for medium-sized sponsors who fund their operations largely by debt. Through support of the crowdfunding, they could increase overall production of housing, at a time where it is said that the country is lack of affordable housing.

Because other investments are less and less interesting in terms of performance and crowdimo allows you to earn 10 times faster than your booklet

The ELP was lowered to 1.5% and the Livret A maintained at 0.75%. Faced with this, the yields of the crowdlending are between 4% and 12%. Finally, you can really earn l´argent with finsquare.

Because your money is blocked less long on crowdimo than on an ELP

On crowdimo get back you all of your money in a few months, which is much more short qu´un PEL.

The minimum duration of the ELP is 4 years: any withdrawal before leads to the closing of the ELP. If your ELP has worked more than 18 months, the Bank may however accept back into CEL.

Because Lendix does not ask you to move

Remember this campaign for telephone operators who said the customer pretending d´etre law and everything to do from home either from its smartphone or tablet, and ben at Lendix you can do.

Because qu´il n there nor costs d´entre, output, nor of management

Like most investments, a life insurance contract includes charges to file, payments management, arbitration, transfer, release while on Lendix it n there is nothing of this.


Because this na will not block too much of his savings

Indeed you invest just a small portion of your savings allowing to diversify and therefore d´avoir really low risk.

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