This summer, don't be too cicada.


Fable fountain cicada 

In france, 1 in every 2 saves for 9 to 12 months * approximately €2233 * to pay for a holiday. However, the French on average save 1688 * € per year to prepare for their retirement. Is it normal for you? This implies that the French prefer to travel and take the risk of finding themselves without the Sub. However, this sum of € 1688 is insufficient to prepare retirement, unless you accept that it is aged 75 *.

Thus, this summer, wealth and finance advises you to invest your money for this winter by offering you the best placements. Because the Ciagle, having sung all summer, found himself quite lacking when the wind was coming, do not end apuvre, start managing your money now.

Departures less but more big budget.

The french will devote €2233 to afford a summer vacation. A budget increase since last year the french have saved €2181, but this will only benefit the 57% of the French against 63% the previous year. 20% said even not starting at all. This sum of €2299 fits in the average budget of Europeans, which is € 2247. However, many expect this summer break, but stays are pribilegies. The origin is mainly budgetary. Indeed, the french give up from because the context economic but also weather. On the side of the professionals of the sector, the orders arrive at the same time as the heyday. In addition, the risk of attacks is no longer the first factor in the choice of destination, thus, 64% of the Frncais remain in their country, 13% are in Spain and only 8% in Italy. Last year 63% of the French of 15 years and more are part for leisure or pleasure. From 2014, which represents 700,000 less. In addition, the metropolitan France remained the sole destination of departure for these 60% of French. And only 35% travelled abroad or in the Dom – Tom.

Arrange her vacation?

For the lucky ones, go on holiday means having peace of mind, to 45% and will end up with family and friends, for 43%. But well before that, need to deal with the Organization of the journey and find shelter. Thus, 38% of the french prefer renting apartments or houses, 30% prefer nothing pay and sleep with friends, family or in a family home and only 18% at the hotel. With the development of rental between individuals, the hotel is more favored. Indeed, this is a peculiarity of the hexagon as the french use much collaborative means to rent. Thus, the french reserve and organise holidays in this way, renting housing, car… For professionals, it is still 'time to stimulate the desire to leave' among holidaymakers for a season is successful.

And retirement?

Retirement has become a matter of concern, even for the 25-34 year olds. Thus, 40% are seeking investments attractive to develop a small part for their old age. On average, the french are preparing their retirement at age 45, that is, 20 years before the end of their careers. 2 600 euros per month, for french households, is the ideal level of income for a peaceful retreat. But only a tiny minority of those who did not, spare will have access to this sum. It worries. 3 assets out of 10 are informed about their right to retirement and their future finaniciers needs. They then put an average of 1 688 euros on 12 months, to avoid seeing their income melt retired. Is it that makes that less and less french go on vacation? The french prefer to ensure a peaceful retreat or vacation for a summer break before resuming their careers? The three-quarters who are saving less, place that 452 euros for their retirement. Maybe they prefer enjoy their youth and holiday party. But it is not enough to cover their future needs. At best, for an investment that yields 2% per year, they will win 70 to 30 euros per month, but obviously this is over a period of 42 years. Finally, the more than 50 years, place 4 736 euros per year.

How to save individually for retirement?

For those that have not yet taken the plunge, it has the advantages of the savings (PEL) housing plan. Become owner of his principal residence is essential. Thus, there is more rent to pay against the reduction in income after retirement. The housing savings plan remains a good way to build a savings safely for a few years. However, better performance in the long term, in the context of retirement, to accept some risk taking. There are the tax benefits of actions (PEA) savings plan that is available to you. PEA offers a tax avanatageux to grow a capital stock, shares or investment funds. But this applies however only to individuals who have time and appetite to manage a portfolio of shares French and European. For others, there is the flexibility of life insurance. Under a contract, it is possible to invest in bourisers via the units of account proposed markets. Once the capital gains or approaching retirement, it is possible to secure all or part of his winnings on the media "in euros. Then, if the contract lasted more than eight years, it is possible to make withdrawals for its needs. In addition, life insurance contracts also offer specific fons, designed to manage a capital in anticipation of retirement. In addition, these funds are managed by specialists and non-savers. They may be more or less invested on dynamic investments as on less risky assets.

Popular retirement savings plan (PERP) is tax beneficial, accessible to all. But better to subscribe an as soon as possible, knowing that if you don't have a big starting capital, you need to save a long time to take the best advantage. The PERP is divided into two phases. The first is to save. This phase of savings depends on your age at the time of subscription and your departure in retirement. The subscription, you can choose evening for free payments you will increase or will decrease depending on the evolution of your income, regular payments with an amount defined beforehand in the contract. During this phase, the sums invested are deductible from the taxable income within certain limits. If you are married or PACS, you can add these amounts from your spouse or partner. The pension ceiling you can deduct is shown each year on your notice of assessment. Need to wait for retirement to 'emerge' in annuity. This is the second phase. Unconditionally, it is possible to exit partially capital. A condition don't have not been ownership of residence main during the past two years, the legislature has also provided the possibility of an outflow in capital at 100%. In addition, it is possible to request an exit capital before retirement, particularly if you are unemployed at the end of rights or your spouse or partner has died. Annuities are subject to social security contributions and the income tax under the same conditions as the superannuation. Same thing for an exit of capital, partial or total. However, under certain conditions, it is possible to opt in, during an outing in capitals, for legal tender lump sum taxation at the rate of 7.5%.

Finally, a retirement law Madelin contracts are reserved to the liberal professions, individual operators and some leaders of companies, i.e. for non-salaried, non-agricultural, professionals as well as to their spouses, collaborators. Madelin contracts to build a further retreat in the form of annuity, subject to social security contributions and income tax. A minimum amount of contribution is set at the time of the subscription, but is flexible within the limits of a range of 1 to 15. Contributions are directly deducted from the professional benefits within certain limits. If your profits are below the annual ceiling on social security (PASS), your payments are deductible in the amount of 10% of this ceiling. But in contrast, if your profits are higher than the annual ceiling on social security (PASS), your contributions are deductible in the amount of 10% of these profits, the latter being limited to 8 PASS, plus 15% of your profits between 1 and 8 PASS.

Agricultural Madelin retirement contracts are for self-employed operators. Farmers and their employees and self-employed live-in spouses enjoy a solution equivalent to the Thuringii Madelin, often called 'Contracts Madelin' agricultural. Even if they are aimed at the regular establishment of a supplementary pension paid as a life annuity with the same tax deduction, they differ from Madelin contracts for a range of contributions from 1 to 15 and by the possibility of deducting the sums of their base of compulsory social contributions.

Or even the crowdfunding, my specialty. Personally I've invested money in bolden, lendix. Why? Simply because it allows the small portfolio to a terribly interesting performance. Even if they are aimed at the regular establishment of a supplementary pension paid in the form of interest, the crowdfunding is a flexible method and especially practical for low imposed people.

 The fable



The cicada, having sung
Throughout the summer,
Found himself quite lacking
When the wind was coming.
Not one small piece
Fly or worm (1).
She went screaming famine
At Ant his neighbor,.
The praying to him
Some grain to survive
Until the new season.
I will pay, said,
Before the August (2) faith of animal,
Interest and principal.
The Ant is not lending;
This is where the slightest defect (3).
What were you doing in hot weather?
She told this borrower (4).
Night and day to everything from
I was singing, you don't like.
You sing? I am very easy:
Well! dance now.

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