The worst habits that make you poor every time

Watching TV is a bad habit

Unlike what is intuitive, the poor have their own beliefs, the rich n´ont not. Some are real bullets for your enrichment, see which.

Here is the list of the worst habits that make you poor

Be a perfectionist


Pareto's law requires, 80% of results come from 20% of the effort, so you lose 4 times longer than the perfectionists. Perfectionism to tend to be unhappy for the simple reason that we live in reality and that this reality is never perfect. You are never happy if you expect things to be always impeccable. Does not mean ill do things, he y a balance to have.

 Be pessimistic


Pessimism is the result of bad habits developed over several years. This type of negative energy can be very difficult to bear for the entourage people who strive to keep a positive spirit. This habit is also complicated to remove, because it is so embedded in the spirit that it becomes almost second nature.

Optimistic future will require you to develop new mental skills and review your thought process in order to see opportunities instead of problems. It will also develop your commercial talent.

Live in the past and the present


Unhappy people fill their thoughts of what could go wrong in their lives instead of what could happen to them of property. Spend a lot of time in the past to relive old painful memories, conflicts, missed opportunities can be very painful. And spending too much time in the present without thinking about your future will you Dear listen. The past cannot change, but the future yes then you have to work for it.

Do not love


We are pleased by how we view life and the way we appreciate the moment. We are pleased by the way in which we perceive, we open our hearts and find peace. First, we must find our inner peace. That is not the way to s´aimer will have great difficulty to make love.

Does not have lens


If the perfectionist focuses too much on its objective which must be perfect, have no purpose at all is the other extreme. Without a lens, there's no possibility of personal development. And without a personal development, you find life boring and uninteresting. Be aware that 67% of the rich write their goals against 17% of the poor. Why? For not able to deviate.

Miss discipline


People who lack discipline are often poor people because they want to get something, but their lack of discipline prevented them from acting regularly. In fact most of the things s´obtiennent after an initial effort and regular maintenance.

Be undecided


In the majority of cases, you decide most of what will be your life. You let others make decisions on your behalf. You obey without really thinking. The problem c´est than the other n´ont by necessarily your interest. For results that go in the direction you want, I'll have move you.



Its main form of expression is the excuse. In doubt, attempts to explain his failures or his situation by finding a Manager. Here are some examples of commonly used excuses:

  • I did not have luck
  • I'm not rich enough to bring me to my account
  • I'm not smart enough to do this
  • I did not have an easy childhood
  • It is because my boss / my wife / my husband / my parents / society
  • I can't take any risks, I have kids to feed

One of the fundamentals for life everything you want is that you must assume full responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Life c´est like a deck of cards, the good players arrive still to do something even with average or bad game (good post if you are orphaned, in the street, disabled, etc. it'll be difficult, but good). Wholesale the advice that I can give c´est "seeks to advance if your life is poor".


man - bored

It is manifested by a tendency to fatigue, the search for extreme and immediate sensations. Indeed accumulate assets is not exciting, the formula is very simple. After either one knows and we l´applique and c´est all… It does not dream either (think you make goals secondary history not to bore you). You have time to get bored dead once, and once richest you can enjoy.

Risk excess


It is characterized mainly by an excess of confidence while normally your risk is to be calculated. It can also come d´un lack of knowledge of the risks, for example people still believe that the libretto has is 100% risk-free. FALSE, it is virtually no risk (war, bankruptcy, etc.). Be aware that the SCPI you are responsible indefinitely debts in case of problems.

Caution l´Exces


Do not invest with a minimum of risk is not good no more. Indeed, person ever made n´a fortune without taking a minimum of risk. Do you know many people who have been enriched getting up in the morning to go to work every day? Will have to look really hard in your journal to find a single article on this subject. Useless to think imagine make a fortune with your booklets. He'll invest in good things more profitable.

Procrastinating and do nothing


Procrastinating, it is the habit of always procrastinate. By dint of push, we end up doing nothing. Procrastination is one of the worst enemies of success, because it eventually becomes a habit. That is how we take turn tomorrow, then to be locked into a routine of immobility… Many people miss their life because of this. Regularly build something, go ahead! Don't get taken by procrastination. Act now by reading this site free to continue to train you. Otherwise more prosaically speaking should begin to do something as soon as possible, because often it overstates what l´on can do in a week and underestimate what l´on can do in one year. Don't do anything and you don't build anything.

Don't build anything

Do not create a business, not investing is the best way to win nothing, 100% of the winners have tried.

Be afraid


Think is the objective analysis of a problem, a question or a concept that solves these problems in an effective manner.

The fear and anxiety and not allow a personal development, but poisons our evolution. It is often a good excuse for procrastinating because you take more than your comfort zone. However, fear can also be a catalyst for asking the right questions and avoid the pitfalls. Be aware the tame

Assets too long teeth


It is good d´avoir of real goals, as being too greedy may fall in d´autres defects. Know the probabilities.

Do not know to assess situations

approve - reprouver

Do not assess things will make you pass to rate many opportunities. But to assess is a mixture of knowledge and d´experiences. This comes with time and l´entrainement. See l´article

Do not form


If you thought that l´education is expensive, you should see how much be stupid is expensive. Indeed, say that you are not interested in l´argent is probably the most beautiful hogwash as j´entends, Additionally; regularly. In this case why you work 40 H/week? For the beautiful eyes of the boss? No! To pay your invoices so ultimately to l´argent. 40 h/week of work for him + overtime, this doesn't deserve a small study on the subject? Don't think that the only education in schools is sufficient, but educate you about money.

Live on credit


The poor buy credit of objects that depreciate while the rich invest. Thus the poor work to restore objects that are broken and only to maintain a standard of living causing them to stagnate. The rich use credit to create value.


Spend your money


The best way to stay poor.

Take a big car


An object that does nothing, that cost of l #argent and has no value, a true ornament. Be aware that amazon CEO Jeff Bezos rolls in a car that cost less than € 5000. How about you? You ride in a car bigger than the CEO of amazon so that you don't have millions?

Do as the others


Why if you made like everyone else, metro boulo dodo you would have different results for everyone? As do the poor and you go end up like the poor, as the rich and you go end up like the rich.

Denigrate your health

swimmers-swimming pool-sport

Do not sport and not ensuring to keep so that c´est your number 1 capital. Almost all the wealthy make sport. And Yes have a physical that breathes health is seller, after this is the cause or the consequence of your wealth is another story.

Excruciatingly expensive cost tobacco just as obesity. Smoking kills (that I placed a health message)

Wasting your time with television


Approximately 65% of the wealthy are watching TV less than 1 hour versus about 23 per cent of the poor.  Worse, about 2% of the rich look of reality against 77 per cent of the poor. Good going secret story and loft story, trash. Do as social cases and you will end up as social cases. If already watch the science channel (no information, and even less in background otherwise you will absorb and retain the pubs and other jingles, no no, it's a bad idea read science).

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