Sitemap bolden is serious or is it a scam?



So this time I m´attaque to Bolden, this article is in the line of other articles on crowdfunding saying whether or not a site is serious.

Security level

Bolden is a legal website, for evidence it is registered with the authority of control prudential and Resolution, approval n ° 16528. Bolden IFP, Bolden SAS subsidiary, is registered in the register of the ORIAS as an intermediary in participatory financing (IFP), registration No. 14006823.

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As always the Council of basic (I do reinvents the wheel) lend money to a company presents a risk of non-repayment and immobilisation of his savings.  To reduce your risk, consider diversifying your investments on several companies and pay l´argent you n´avez not need.

More j´aime know who is behind a website and there no problems, j´ai list of leaders, which is good.

Team Bolden

Tristan crane bolden

Tristan crane – founder & CEO Profile LinkedIn of Tristan crane

Tristan is a professional financing and asset management. He has held various positions in London for 9 years: financial analyst at Altedge Capital, co-manager of investment in RBS Asset Management Fund, then associate director, Manager of investment at Barclays. It has also funded 180 projects in a personal capacity. Tristan is a graduate of the ESC Bordeaux and holds a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst).

Pierre merlet bolden

Pierre Merlet – Technical Director Profile LinkedIn de Pierre Merlet

Pierre is in charge of the development of the platform and securing the data. He spent 3 years in the design and development of solution software for the financial industry. Passionate about new technologies, it offers an innovative and robust platform. Stone graduated from the ECE Paris.

Joel gaudeul bolden

Joel Gaudeul – Marketing & Operations Manager Profile Joel GAUDEUL LinkedIn

Joel is the expert Marketing of Bolden, it defines acquisition and retention strategies and applies its expertise available to dynamic SMEs which rely on Bolden. He worked for more than ten years in companies involved in new technologies, mobile, software RH through video games and Mobile. Joel is a graduate of the ESSEC business school and ESC Rouen.

fay bolden Serge

Serge de Faÿ – financial analyst Profile Serge de Faÿ LinkedIn

Serge main mission is to ensure the analysis and selection of the project files. Graduated from EDHEC Business School and holds a Master 2 in business law, Serge de Faÿ worked at HSBC as a financial analyst in the Directorate of business real estate and also has experience of Economist within CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre where he directed economic modelling, sectoral studies and financial assessments on behalf of large international groups.

Louis brabant bolden

Louis Brabant – Sales Manager

Louis is responsible for the SME relationships. It has a strong experience of the commercial and financial advice from SMEs and startups. He is associate founder of FDV Partner and was previously manager at SOAT and Auditor at Ernst & Young. Louis graduated from ESC Reims.

Strategic Committee

Bob swarup bolden

Dr. Bob Swarup – Risk Management

Bob is founder of Global Camdor, an agency of strategic Council destined for regulators and financial institutions based in London. Bob was previously a Partner at Pension Corporation. Bob wrote in the economic and financial press (Financial Times, The Guardian, The Economist) and recently wrote a book on financial crises throughout history entitled 'Money Mania', published by Bloomsbury Press in 2013. Bob is a graduate of Cambridge University and Imperial College London (PhD).

Julian callede bolden

Julien Callede – Marketing

Julien is founder and Director of Operations of, an internet site for the sale of furniture founded in 2010 that upsets the rules of design and development of Interior, operates in England, France and Italy and has 150 employees. Julien was previously responsible for investment at GCE Capital, a private equity, LBO and development capital management company based in Paris. Julien graduated from HEC Paris.

Information about payments

Credit your account Bolden of the amount of your choice from €20, by credit card (immediate) or bank transfer (3 working days). Your assets are stored in S-money.
As always you need a d´identite piece and a proof of residence + RIB to retrieve his money


Opinion on the seriousness of the site:

He n y nothing to blame on the site, you will see that everything is in order, that the site is properly monitored, it knows the real conductors etc.

Think of your bonus here: and enter promotion code: FLOER-121-1645



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