Lendix is serious or is it a scam?


Panel yes no

As for d´autres sites, I note that many people are looking for on google to find out if the site is serious I made a summary of why the site is perfectly serious.

Lendix is a site certified by the authorities

label crowdfunding platform participatory financing
label crowdfunding platform participatory financing

Lendix is certified by the authorities and registered in the ORIAS under n ° 15000364. Evidence of seriously, you receive a plug for the tax statement. I not only gives you good sites to put your savings.

Sign up here and now touch your bonus Lendix

Lendix address
Lendix address

Nothing to worry about so because even if to finalize l´inscription, as the site is a site registered with authorities, it is necessary d´avoir: RIB, map d´identite, proof of domicile.


It is already several thousand d´inscrits.

Lendix is a large platform

You have a form for taxes

Unlike the scams you have a d´impots at the end plug

Lendix, first lending platform to achieve funding of €1,000,000 in an SME in a single instalment

She began to make important l´investissement

Lendix is also winner of prestigious competition

19 novembre2015, stood in London Challenge Fintech 2015, organized by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) which at is the matrix of management of the same name. C´EST a very serious business

L´Equipe is clearly visible

J´AIME know to whom my money goes, and in these circumstances I wish indeed know the leaders and on lendix I n´ai not had difficulties to find them.

lendix team

As for l´adresse, Lendix is located at 94 street of victory, 75009 Paris. As often innovative companies are in the capital, if quelqu´un can once go visit the offices and tell me how c´est, and yes I am not yet a journalist d´investigation (finally may be that…)

lendix l´Adresse
lendix l´Adresse


Lendix announces the arrival of new shareholders and 28 M in total funding € early 2015

Two weeks after it granted its first loan to the Alain Ducasse Entreprise (early 2015) group, Lendix, TPE & SME lending platform, strengthens its equity by bringing more investors to its capital.

Decaux brothers investments, the Bank Wormser brothers, Sycamore * and 2 family international offices join historical shareholders in the capital by investing EUR 3.2 million in capital and 25 M€ on the Lendix platform.

"We are thrilled to bring together diverse and high-quality ownership. It shows that the class of the loan assets is likely to interest any type of investors"declares Olivier Goy, founder and president of Lendix.


Gérard Degonse, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of group JCDecaux and administrator of Davies brothers investments, and Pascal Oddo are on this occasion their entry to the Supervisory Board of Lendix.

They join Philippe Citerne (Director of Accor and Edenred), Christian Gueugnier (Weber investments), Philippe Collombel (Partech Ventures), and Xavier Anthonioz (123Venture).

"We have put together a round table of high quality entrepreneurs who share our values and our approach to the development of a business" says Olivier Goy.

1503_lendix_01_aveclogoA strong involvement of shareholders who committed 25 M€ to lend on the platform

Shareholders and leaders of Lendix are committed now to lend 25 M€ for SMEs TPE on the platform, under the same conditions as all of the customers of Lendix.

"It is fundamental for individuals and institutional who wish to lend on our platform to know that our shareholders are also our customers ' continued Olivier Goy.

"The revolution of the loan concerning all categories of investors: individuals, family offices, undertaken for the management of their cash, managers of assets, mutual, insurers… ' continues Patrick de Nonneville, COO of Lendix. "Lendix caters now to all these investors. '' »

As early as 2015, Lendix is the funding of over 200 loans issued by SMEs in quality, and will bring in term several hundreds of millions of euros in savings each year to SMEs.

* Sycamore includes Sycomore Asset Management (3 billion euros of assets under management), Sycamore Corporate Finance and Sycamore Family Office.

Photography, from top to bottom and from left to right: Paul de Kali Dasan, Marc Sebag, Patrick de Nonneville and Olivier Goy


The site is perfectly serious

Sign up here and now touch your bonus Lendix

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