Lendix, fundraising
In order to follow one can l´evolution the crowdfunding I propose to follow the fundraising of the lendix company.
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First fundraising 05/11/2014
Directed by Olivier Goy, founder of the society of equity 123Venture, platform Web Lendix, specialized in loans to companies to finance 'real economy', finalized a fundraising of€ 7 million, granted by Partech Ventures, Weber investments and leaders of 123Venture
Partech Ventures
C´EST a transatlantic venture capital fund, specializing in technologies of information and communication and present in Paris, Berlin and San Francisco. Partech Ventures currently manages EUR 850 million through three funds, dedicated to different stages of investment: seeding, venture capital and development.
In 2014, the ranking Preqin has acknowledged as one ten best venture capital funds at the global and the best of Europe (the only European among the top thirty) 2; According to decision makers, it is also the best Fund of venture capital in France in 20153. He recently distinguished himself by the launch of its Partech Shaker campus in 2014, Partech Growth capital-growth fund in 20154 and the new seed fund Partech contractor II in March 20155.
Partech Ventures, founded in 1982 by Tom McKinley and Vincent Worms, called originally Paribas Technologies, and was a subsidiary of Paribas Bank. The Fund moved to California from 19856.
In 2007, he was bought by Jean-Marc Patouillaud and Philippe Collombel, who joined Partech respectively in 19967 and 20018. They are always at the head of the company as managing partners.
In 2012, Partech Ventures is located at Berlin9.
With its various funds, Partech Ventures participated in the development and the success of many startups and companies of digital which include Business Objects, sold to SAP in 2008, Dailymotion, sold to Orange in 2013, the fork, resold to TripAdvisor in 2014, or more recently Sigfox10.
Fund activity
Partech Ventures is present throughout the chain of financing for startups.
-Seed (seed): Partech Entrepreneur11, completed in October 2013 for an amount of EUR 30 million, invested in startups as a PriceMatch or Alkemics 30. Supported by Bpifrance and also by Econocom or BNP Paribas, the Fund is headed by Romain Lavault with the objective to finance 30 projets12. In 18 months, Partech contractor I allowed to invest in thirty young companies: 19 in France, 8 in the United States and 3 in Allemagne13. Among these companies, a quarter has exceeded the one million euros turnover.
Partech contractor II is a second seed launched in January 2015, Fund whose objective is to invest in the digital and technology information. It was completed with a Fund of EUR 60 million, which to this day the largest Fund priming for digital in Europe14. It is designed to finance 70 startups with tickets of entry ranging between 300,000 and one million billion15. The expected pace is three investments a month, one in France, one in Germany and the rest of Europe, and one in Silicon Valley14.
The Fund is supported by Bpifrance, Carrefour, Econocom, Edenred, Groupama, Ingenico Group, Neopost, FDJ, BNP Paribas and Renault-Nissan. Entrepreneurs and mentors based in France and overseas are also supported 16.
-Venture (risk capital): Partech International VI, completed in December 2011 for an amount of 100 million euros17, an amount increased to 130 million euros in October 2013 with several significant investments as Kabeerkhanpathan, Sigfox and in September 2015, account Nickel18. Casino, Edenred have participated in this fundraising. Jean-Marc Patouillaud and Philippe Collombel are at the head of this Fund, which should carry out 20 to 25 operations over a period of four years19.
-Growth (development): Partech Growth, including the first closing took place in January 2015 for an amount of EUR 200 million. This Fund, which should be one to two investments per year with tickets between 10 and 45 million euros, was entrusted to Bruno Crémel, Omri Benayoun and Mark Menell. It consists of large industrial groups like Ingenico, Groupama, Renault, Carrefour, NOC Assurances20. Several institutional investors, already accompanying the Fund for several years, also supported – including Bpifrance, CNP Assurance and AG2R La Mondiale. The Fund has particularly invested in Made.com21 and Freedom Pop22.
Partech Shaker
In December 2014, Partech Ventures inaugurates Partech Shaker, a campus dedicated to the open innovation, namely the exchange of experiences and cooperation between startups and big groupes23. This is the first time that a venture capital fund creates its own startups24 campus.
In the Shaker, located at 33 rue de Mail in Paris, cohabiting Partech Ventures startups 30 (currently Kartable, Influans…) with large enterprises (currently France Télévisions, Lagardère, Saint-Gobain…) 25. Among the most promising startups, Partech Shaker hosted the French activities of Kantox and Sigfox.
The place is also open to foreign startups who wish to settle in Paris: in 2015, it is home to HotelTonight26, Dropbox and Pinterest27.
second fundraising Lendix who throws 3.2 million euros 27/03/2015
Lendix throws EUR 3.2 million for his 2nd round of institutional.
Last date recipient: Lendix, specialized in lending to SMEs/TPE the crowdfunding. Davies brothers investments, the Bank Wormser brothers, Sycamore (independent portfolio management company) and two family offices of international dimension enter its capital.
They join Partech Ventures, Weber investments and the management team of 123Ventures, whose founder Olivier Goy today runs Lendix. Their participation valued at EUR 3.2 million added is a promise of loan in the amount of EUR 25 million for companies that will be presented on the platform.
In this transaction, Lendix welcomes to its supervisory board businessman Pascal Oddo; but also Gérard Degonse, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JCDecaux, administrator of Davies brothers investments.
Relying on the PFA scheme (intermediate in participatory financing, registered with the ORIAS under number 15000364), Lendix manages to connect borrowers with retail and institutional investors.
Davies brothers investments, joint-stock company simplified is active for 8 years.
Located in NEUILLY SUR SEINE (92200), it is specialized in the sector of activity of legal management of movable heritage media. Its workforce is between 3 and 5 employees.
JC DECAUX HOLDING is president of the Davies brothers investment company.
The Wormser Brothers Bank
The Bank Wormser brothers is a private banking family, founded in France in 1936 by Georges Wormser 1, former Chief of the cabinet of Georges Clemenceau. The Bank is then created under the name of Bank of Escompte2, and then in 1958 he founded the Bank Wormser brothers 3.
The banking activities of the family were gathered in 1999 within the Bank of discount & Wormser brothers reunited. In 2011, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, the Bank Wormser brothers name was selected to override that of Bank of discount & Wormser brothers reunited.
Active for 63 years in the money market as the home of discount Bank of France (OPM) and specialist in value of Treasury (SVT) 4, the discount Bank renounced these specialisees5 activities when it absorbed its sister Bank Wormser Brothers company and devoted himself mainly to the Bank's deposits and portfolio management.
Anxious also to precede changes in the business of the Bank, she collected with success, at the turn of the century, deposits online under the brand First–E, but this success was short-lived due to the bursting of the Internet bubble.
In 2002, she became interested in the brokerage online to finally absorb the Omniane company, operating under the brand name Start Finance, used now as one of its trade names.
The Bank develops since 2004 activity directed to the transfer of money made by the different diaspora established in France to their countries of origin. This very modern activity, known as the BdE6 brand, develops in the direction of more and more countries.
Third fundraising Lendix 03/11/2015
A first foray outside France, in Spain. Moreover, in this Tuesday, November 3, Pascal Ouvrard, a former Axa Bank, hired this summer to lead the international expansion of Lendix, is currently seeking an approval with the local market authorities. «The Spanish market is quite similar to France, whether the number of SMEs, the nature of their expectations or the regulation of the crowdlending,» explains Olivier Goy.
After Madrid, where the startup will employ a dozen people on a total of 25, it will be Italy, in 2016. "Need us 70 to 100 million euros in loans to reach the break-even point, what we could do in remaining in France only but all goes very quickly in the fintech and already think to grow abroad", argues Olivier Goy. Development that will require additional resources, after the € 3.2 million raised at the beginning of year with Decaux brothers investments, the Bank Wormser brothers and two family offices: "We'll probably make a new fund raising to finance our development in Europe", says Olivier Goy, who with the rest of the management, holds more than 60% of the capital of Lendix.
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Lifting of background on 26 April 2016
Lendix announces the entry to its capital of CNP Assurances, Matmut and Zencap AM
Lendix annonce l’entrée à son capital de CNP Assurances, Matmut et Zencap AM
The number 1 french loans platforms announces the completion of a round table of 12 M€ in order to finance its expansion in Spain and Italy. CNP Assurances, investor leader on this round, made its first investment in the fintech.
Lendix, first French SME lending platform, announced today a fundraising of 12 M€ from its existing shareholders (Decaux brothers investments, Partech Ventures, Sycamore Factory, Weber investment and Bank Wormser brothers including) and institutional leadership: CNP Assurances, Matmut and Zencap AM (subsidiary of group OFI AM). This capital funding is also accompanied by a significant commitment – more than 20 M€-stockholders to become also lenders on Lendix. It makes the world all this, short lendix becomes a real big society and a reference.
On this occasion, Hélène Falchier, head of private equity of CNP Assurances, joined the Supervisory Board of Lendix.Donc there is an update of the team. It will sit alongside Xavier Anthonioz (Chairman of the Executive Board 123Venture), Philippe Citerne (Director of Accor and Edenred), Philippe Collombel (Partech Ventures partner managing), Gérard Degonse (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JC Decaux SA), Christian Gueugnier (CEO of Financière de L'echiquier) and Pascal Oddo (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LBO France).
Become a leader in continental Europe
Since the completion of its first loan in April 2015 to Alain Ducasse Entreprise, Lendix took real leadership on the market of the loan to SMEs by becoming the number 1 french with 40% of market share. The platform has helped companies of all sizes to borrow more than 20 M €100 (excluding the recent acquisition of Finsquare) for unit loans ranging from € 30,000 to 1 M€.
"The french market is growing very fast, but our ambition is to create a leader in continental Europe. We just created our first 2 subsidiaries in Spain and Italy' details Patrick de Nonneville, CEO of Lendix.
Objectives for the next 12 months
Lendix is implementing over 50 M€ loans on its platform over the next 12 months on 3 markets: France, Spain and Italy. "These loans will be financed both through our community of 10,000 special lenders but also thanks to the use of institutional investors, as we have done since our launch" details Olivier Goy.
To achieve these objectives, a new fund dedicated to institutional investors will be launched next month and 20 recruitment are programmed in the short term on the 3 geographies to complement the current team of 30 people.
Short that big fish at lendix.
CNP Assurances,
Created in 1959, CNP Assurances is a company of insurance in France.
According to wikipedia:
Creation | 1959 |
Key figures | Frédéric Lavenir, CEO |
Legal form | Limited company with capital of €686 618 477 fully paid – company regulated by the Code of insurance – 341 737 062RCS Paris |
Headquarters | Paris (France) |
Shareholders | Caisse des dépôts and consignations: 40.8% Sopassure: 36.3% French State: 1.1% Institutional and individual investors: 21.8% |
Activity | Insurance of persons |
Products | CNP Assurances designs, manufactures and manages individual and collective savings, retirement insurance, welfare, health and coverage of loans. |
Workforce | 4 700 |
Web site | CNP.fr |
Turnover | 30.8 billion euros of turnover in 2014 (IFRS standards) 1 |
Net result | 1 130 million € (2015) |
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With MACIF, Matmut (Mutuelle assurance of mutual workers) is one of the two mutual insurance companies affiliated to the sgam SFEREN.
Creation | July 7, 1961 |
Founders | Paul Bedi |
Legal form | Mutual insurance company |
Slogan | «The Matmut, it provides! |
Headquarters | ![]() |
Direction | Nicolas Gomart |
Members | ~ 3 million (2014) |
Activity | Insurance |
Products | Insurance products Banking services |
Sister companies | Matmut Mutualité |
Subsidiaries | AMF insurance Inter mutual companies Matmut Legal Protection Matmut life |
Workforce | 5 800 (2014) 1 |
Web site | www.matmut.fr |
Own funds | 1 217 M€ (2014) 1 7.2 %1 |
Gross cash premiums | €1 941 062 1 4.5% |
Net result | 82 131 M€ 1 |
Zencap AM
Zencap AM is a management company specialized in private in Europe debt.
I have tons of info above.
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