Best practices and tips that make you rich, what the rich know and not you
Here is an article which is a selection of all the small thing that the rich have and that they do not like all the world.
- 1 Let's start with the tips of the rich
- 1.1 Rule No. 1: spend less than what you earn
- 1.2 Rule No. 2: never spend your capital
- 1.3 Rule No. 3: pay yourself first
- 1.4 Rule No. 4: make a budget
- 1.5 Rule No. 5: minimize your expenses
- 1.6 Rule No. 6: never borrow to buy a property which depreciates
- 1.7 Rule No. 7: maximum increase and multiply all your sources of income
- 1.8 Rule No. 8: invest in assets that appreciate
- 1.9 Rule No. 9: protect the value of your property
- 1.10 Rule No. 10: don't let anyone else the signature of your business
- 1.11 Rule No. 11: invest in you also
- 2 Bonus: my video
- 3 10 things that rich people know that you do not
- 4 5 habits of the rich that allowed them to be rich
Let's start with the tips of the rich
A small list of sometimes simple advice, but all full of good sense. The keys to wealth here rule no. 1: spend less than what you earn
Rule No. 1: spend less than what you earn
This may seem obvious, but people often have no idea what they actually spend, and what this represents over what they earn. And today, with credit cards and advertisements, it is very easy and very tempting to live beyond its means. However, remember that the rich live below their means, because Yes it becomes not rich for nothing and it becomes not rich in brand.
Rule No. 2: never spend your capital
If, for one reason or another, you remove some of your capital to make an expenditure that is not an investment you lose enormously! In a single sample, you can lose the benefit of many years of investment. Indeed you sabordez your own base. Buy the latest iphone for example will not only cost the price of the phone, but no longer imagine all the interests that you will lose in the long run! You shouldn't have to chase your own hard earned money.
Rule No. 3: pay yourself first
Put at least 10% of your earnings aside each month. Before all the money you earn starting in invoices and expenses, remember to keep a part for you.
The easiest way to proceed is to set up an automatic transfer which takes 10% of your salary as soon as you receive it, and deposits into a savings account that you do not touch. The measurement of time and your d´epargne income will grow. Also make sure your situation is comfortable, c´est – to say that the other n´aient not your fat but your leftovers.
Rule No. 4: make a budget
Make a budget to the other rules. In fact l´essentiel is to know approximately how many euros return and how many come out. However, the budget must be more specific or if the amounts are very important if you are very fair.
Rule No. 5: minimize your expenses
C´EST a rule of thumb, but often the most despised, because firstly the consumer society grows to consume. Second when you think 'rich' thought often "beautiful car" so that the real rich, those who hold long-term are not high rollers. More less you need to live more it is easy d´atteindre l´independance l´objectif and d´investir.
The simplest L´exemple: a young living with dad/mom with a salary to the minimum wage that pays no rent: its break-even point is at 500 euros so it can save 60% of his income was about 600 euros/month. It will therefore be more easily rich qu´une person working at € 2500 and €2300 of loads.
Rule No. 6: never borrow to buy a property which depreciates
Make it a habit to buy than what you can pay cash. If you do not have the money, save until you have the means to your purchase. When you buy credit property whose value decreases with time (car, TV, clothes, furniture, etc.), you actually turn your back to your goal of financial independence and you move away.
Not only the value of what you buy will decrease, but in addition you pay the price strong because it will add to the purchase price the interests of your credit.
Take a credit, it is also losing your freedom, because you will work to give money to your banker. Pay off your existing debts as soon as possible. Worse, at the end of the credit you have nothing because your property is broken by l´usure.
Rule No. 7: maximum increase and multiply all your sources of income
Looking to expand your sources of financial revenue, for not being entirely dependent on your salary. For example take a second job, a complementary independent activity, rent unoccupied part of your home, make investments to grow the money that you earn. You can have royalties, sell your videos, make a business etc.
In a nutshell you must diversify just this qu´il should be.
Rule No. 8: invest in assets that appreciate
Invest is indeed for those who are there decides to renounce immediate consumption to increase its future revenues. Buy bonds, shares, l´immobilier, in short something that does not break out over time. To short an investment is something that pays you in the future more than this n´a cost qu´il.
Rule No. 9: protect the value of your property
Ensure and maintain as appropriate your assets to make them keep their value c´est to say your income, your property, your car and especially yourself (insurance against death, health insurance).
Do not forget your will to settle the details of the transmission of your heritage. This will allow you to make sure that it is indeed your heirs that will benefit the majority of what you have created, and not taxes. More families often tear to l´argent, it would be a pity to create a conflict because you n´avez anything.
Rule No. 10: don't let anyone else the signature of your business
Robert Kiyosaki said, but it is not the only one. Because other work first and foremost for them. Do blindly trust anyone, and especially not to the accountants, lawyers and other asset managers. Make calls to professionals to advise you is useful (see especially how they are paid), but never give power of attorney to someone to act freely with your money.
Human history is full of "trusted persons" who one day disappeared with all the money they had been given!
If you are not competent enough to handle your business, well… start to study to become!
Rule No. 11: invest in you also
Council d´Investir itself c´est perhaps the most profitable investment to make. The effort that we are constantly investing in us plays an important role in determining the quality of our lives. In fact your health is your number 1 capital, just your family, then the rest. L´Argent is average qu´un.
Bonus: my video
10 things that rich people know that you do not

People become rich not by accident, here's how they become
As a financial advisor, I sometimes find myself envious of some customers. Not because of their wealth – but because they were disciplined and determined to do all the good things that have enabled them to accumulate their wealth and, in many cases, early retirement. Despite my expertise, I, as a large number of people, sometimes j´ai of evil not to do bad things that make I'm not rich.
Financially responsible persons and who are successful do not build their wealth by accident – or overnight. To become rich, you must will and a serious vision long term. You must be able to keep an eye on the price of financial freedom, be willing to sacrifice your present for the sake of your future and develop good habits to win. Here are 10 habits that you can begin to put into practice today.
Start early
As the old saying: the bird that rises early catches the worm… or, in this case, gets an early retirement. The sooner you put it your money to the works, more will be the time to grow. Earn a salary, if you are self-employed your account or work for a company, refers to the ability to contribute e.g. to a retirement fund (plan d´epargne retirement in France), you must enter as soon as possible. If you have the chance to get a job with a company that offers a contribution to your retirement plan, you must make it a priority to you register as soon as you are eligible. This can make the difference between early retirement and never to retire.
Think about this: If you invested $10,000 and had left it to grow for 40 years, assuming an average annual return of 8%, you'd end up with more than $217,000. But if you waited 10 years and invested $20,000 – twice – you will end up with slightly more than $200,000.
Whatever your situation, saving and investing today is better than waiting. Begin now.
Forced and automated savings
You can be your worst enemy when it comes to financial success. It's too easy to procrastinate and neglect what needs to be done and, during this time, yield to temptation and spend more than you should. C´ is the perfect recipe for not getting rich.
The best way to protect yourself is to automate your savings. This means that implementation of transfers on a regular and recurring basis from your chequing account (c´est-IE your current account) to your accounts savings and investment (or setting up d´une automatic contribution from your salary to your retirement plan sponsored by the employer). In this way, you force yourself to avoid bad habits for your money and save what would have probably spent you over the head otherwise. If you have not already done so, set 15 minutes on your calendar right now to do so. No later than now. Your rich future will tell you thank you.
Maximize your retirement contributions
When pension contributions, you have probably said to start small and then you are going to increase the amount of at least 1% each year until you are up. If you are a procrastinator, then Yes, even a small contribution of start is better than nothing. The problem is that small efforts can lead to small results. If you want to be rich, you must give you the means. This means contribute the maximum amount allowed (and at least as much as your employer will pay in your plan).
This is especially true if you start to save later in life and you need to catch up with lost time (period of unemployment for example). You could you worry that your high contributions n´entament your income level, but it is easier to get into the habit of spending less if you don't have that extra money to spend. It is much more difficult to recover your balance after a few years.
Never use credit cards
In the revolving loan, the rate d´interet debt high and is one of the greatest threats to your financial freedom. It can seriously make you slide down, costing you thousands in unnecessary costs and interest charges – and keep you d´epargner more. If you ever want to be rich, he must abandon the bad habit d´utiliser credit credit cards.
Instead, you need to learn how to use credit wisely, rather than as a crutch, and commit yourself to pay your balance in full each month. Chip credit card holders know and practice the tricks to maximize rewards, points, discounts and monthly cash flow without getting below their balance. Of course, living within your means is the key to your success, even if this is not obvious if you more than receipts n´avez d´argent.
Live as if you were poor
Have you ever met someone who is modest, then later you have been surprised to learn that they have indeed rolled in flour? I had a former client who was stuck in 1983: he wore ugly Brown suits and sneakers, was driving a blue break Volvo and has lived in the same modest house qu´ bought it 40 years ago. He revealed that this man was a contractor to success and multi millionaire – and even richer because of their humble habits.
Millionaires are all around us, and many of them are probably not those that you think. Indeed, they live intelligently and below their means and they save their money rather than show their value. Of course, it is easy to live under your means when you have millions, but even if you have much less, make it a habit to spend a little now will help you have much later. The trick is to adopt a more "less is" mentality and stick with it, even when your income and your capital increase.
Your worst mistake
A car is absolutely not an investment, it loses a lot of value and get into debt for it is a disaster. known j´AI of the commercial who wanted big cars to better sell, but most of the time the cost is greater than the benefit, worse you end up in the rat race.
Avoid the temptation
The temptation to live at great expense is great and everything pushes you around you: TV, magazines, friends, family, co-workers. It is almost impossible to escape from the pressure to spend, spend and spend a bit more. The problem is that excessive spending often lead to the accumulation of debts, lack of fluid and financial insecurity in the long term.
Force yourself to avoid as much as possible negative financial influences. This means: avoiding the malls, unsubscribe from all emails from sale and do not register to new and say 'no' to invitations that you know will cost you. Your car being l´une of the worst things.
Then, replace these temptations with things that motivate you.
Be goal-oriented
Goals inspire, motivate us and push us. Many of us have common objectives, such as the repayment of the loan, buying a home and retire at a certain age. Perhaps you have another goal as start your own business or buying a second home. Unfortunately, the objectives are easily overshadowed by the stress of everyday life and too often forgotten and neglected. When the objectives are just fleeting thoughts in your mind, they lose their meaning and their influence on your behavior. This leads to bad financial habits, and your dream of becoming rich remains just a dream.
To make it a reality, stay focused on your goals by taking the time to think about them, prioritise and allocate amounting to save allocated to each of them, if possible. Then, you must show your goals in the places where you can be reminded to l´ordre on a regular basis, which will remind you of your responsibility and help you stay on track.
Be educated
Investors who take the time to study the key financial concepts, learning to do things and stand abreast of current trends. They take advantage of opportunities to strengthen and expand their understanding and expose themselves to financial information on a daily basis. Take as a benchmark their habits and subscribe to The Wall Street Journal, watch CNBC instead of a people magazine and follow the financial experts on Twitter. Become a student dedicated to the knowledge of the money and you can master the science of getting rich.
Make sure do you and only follow the advice from credible sources, so as not to be victim of paralysis or inappropriate investments and potentially dangerous my see scams.
Diversify your portfolio
Investors who are successful also know not to put all their eggs in one basket. They divided their wealth through a variety of investments, stocks (shares), for mutual funds, ETFs and bonds, real estate, objects of collection and startups. A diversified portfolio means that you can potentially benefit from several sources of growth and protect you from financial ruin if one of your investments falls.
An easy way to achieve diversification is investing in a fund allocation, asset or common background (type CMV) a fund with a strategy which is based on your risk tolerance. However my experience know that your children's funds are overcautious and offers the warranty then qu´il must generally take the very dynamic. And if you do not have the means to buy a property outright, you can explore the investment in real estate investment funds, ETFs or investment funds (FPI), which may even provide a steady income in some cases. Explore the crowdfunding, which now gives the average investor the ability to support start-up companies. Be aware that yields are declining, people who have invested in 2015 have almost 3% more performance. Just be careful not to focus your money too heavily in a any investment.
Spend money to make money, Warren Buffett
It is true that there is a price to pay for the wealth, but as Warren Buffett says, this is not a game. Impulsivity, naivety, and your emotions especially greed (all, immediately, performance) and fear can seriously hamper your chances to be rich if you let them dominate. The best way to protect you and to advance d´ a step your financial goals is to invest first in a team of financial professionals. This means the hiring of a consultant qualified and experienced in finance, an accountant and in complex cases, an Estate Planner. Yes, working with pros will cost you, and you can always do a bit of tinkering, but their objectivity, expertise, personalized advice investment and continuous monitoring can be useful (and relieve you of the enormous burden to figure all this on your own). However in my experience advisors who take in the middle are not necessarily the best consultants, but the best commercial, which they have any interest to sell you.
Make sure that you interview more candidates so that you can find pros who you have confidence, you feel uncomfortable with the approach is a right one for your situation. And even if you are working with an Advisor, make sure you are always involved and aware of the place where your money goes – and why.
Translation and personal interpretation of l´article
5 habits of the rich that allowed them to be rich
Why the rich get richer? Most of the time, this is isn't by chance. It is not because they are born in a rich family. It is not either because they won the lottery.
Rich people just do things differently.
It may seem unfair, but the fact is the ' "income gap" is growing and most financial experts see this trend continues without have an end in sight.
In preparation for this article, I have sat with someone who knows a lot more rich people than that I'll probably never meet: Jeff Rose. Rose is very Planner financial, author and blogger on, as well as millionaire himself, who spends much of his time to help people get and stay rich.
I asked Rose why he thought that the income gap has been becoming more and more important. He mentioned five main things that rich people do simply differently from the rest of the world. Here are the five, in no particular order.
They take risks.
Rose explains that the richest people with whom he works regularly "they throw spaghetti at the wall to see what money they are made." In other words, they try a lot of different things, knowing that a lot of it will fail.
They take these risks because they know that failure is simply part of the process to discover what really works to build more wealth. In addition, as Rose explains, the rejection of these ideas invigorates the rich to find what works, a stark contrast to most of the population for whom failure looks like simply a roadblock.
They invest in themselves.
According to Rose, "rich people are none of the money spent to personal growth as an expense, but an investment."
While many individuals retain every penny also, the rich include strategic investments in themselves will produce a much better performance than any stock, investment or real estate business.
Whether for the purchase of a book, the hiring of a coach, to join a mastermind group or another source of self-improvement, the rich see this as an investment. Do you do it?
They riding in those that they want to emulate.
When the body gets too hot, it produces sweat in an attempt to cool down. When it becomes too cold, it shudders and will produce heat. In other words, the body human adapted constantly to maintain comfort temperature. This upgrade automatic is a biological process known as homeostasis and is found in many aspects of life.
Human biology to the control of speed of a car passing by your home thermostat, homeostasis is a fact of life that governs almost all aspects of your existence. And, as the rich have discovered, homeostasis can also be a powerful way to create wealth.
As Rose stated unambiguously, "If you want to be rich, bind you to rich people."
As a television personality financial Dave Ramsey says often, "If there are four people broken in a room, you will be the fifth."
Rich people have discovered that they can increase their wealth just by associating with those who are even richer. Humans tend to take habits and strategies of those who are in their immediate environment, and the rich have learned to use this homeostasis to their advantage.
They have a dedicated morning ritual.
While most of the world is going to hit the snooze button, 14 times on every morning, the rich have already begun increasing their net worth.
"Most multimillionaires I know have a dedicated routine, a ritual, they do every morning," said Rose.
This morning ritual might include exercise, affirmations, quote lens, breakfast or any other assistance to start their day. They start strong, doing more before noon that more people in a week.
For those who are struggling to start each morning off right, Rose recommends two books:
The Miracle morning, by Hal Elrod
The Scheduler, 10 daily rules, by Grant Cardone
In my own life, I found this incredibly powerful truth. Since then, instituting a routine in the morning, I have quadrupled my income, written and published a real estate investment to success book, lost 10 pounds, bought my dream and thorough home my relationship with my wife. Not bad for a few minutes dedicated each morning to a routine.
They review their objectives in a coherent manner
Finally, according to Rose, the rich have clearly defined objectives and are constantly reviewing their progress, they make changes and develop strategies to achieve these objectives. This immediate feedback process allows the rich to make quick changes to their plans to stay the course in a rapidly changing world.
While most of the human population gives little, if any, swerved in their future, the rich often do. As if a family was a trip across the country in a van, the rich have their road map spread out on the dashboard so that they can navigate more quickly, more easily to their destination.
Rose admits that the wealth gap is much more complicated than a simple "five points blog.". " However, he witnessed continually of these five guiding features of the lives of those who get richer and used them in his own life to create several businesses and build some wealth itself.
These five actions create a positive feedback loop that will continue to enrich the wealthy, and there is no sign of this termination. The good news is, however, these five actions are all things that the average American can put into practice today. Will you also do?
Julian floer of translation
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