The ebook n ° 1 on the purchasing power of Christian Godefroy and Jean-Philippe Hulin life is too expensive how s´en out


Life is too expensive how out


The ebook that you are going to have the hands has no other ambition than to
develop the entrepreneurial spirit that in you.


It excludes the legal considerations which are not within the jurisdiction of
authors and which are not essential in this regard. It was
impossible indeed to enter the details of the legislation which is in
majority function of the personal situation of the country

If, for example, you are paid, it is best to ask at your
employer authorization to exercise the secondary activity that tempts you.
And even before to stop your choice, I invite you to consult a lawyer
(lawyer, legal counsellor,…).

The legislation authorizes you, to a certain extent, variable according to the
countries, to sell goods without declaring anything.
Once this threshold, you must declare the income obtained.

The hopes of gains are variables and function of each individual.
The author is committed to reveal ways, but cannot under any circumstances
be held responsible for what makes each drive.

As in any business, past results are not a
insurance of future and any results depends on your abilities
personal, your experience, your motivation, and your

The areas of expertise of the authors are only marketing,
editing and copywriting.

Only €8

Table of contents
Preface 7
Christian Godefroy 7 password
The word of Jean-Philippe Hays 8
Introduction 9
Behavior change 14
The options 15
Taking hands without the 21 con
Counter the price increase: easy! 22
The myth of the lack of time 23
The unbelievable force time free 25
Small guide to becoming rich 27
How get out you of your debts 30
What you should do to win more 34
Why others give you money 37
The best shortcut to success 41
The secret of the wealthy 46
The story of the invisible rope 47
Conclusion 49

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product details:

Book (ebook format) is available for download about 1 minute after your purchase

eBook in PDF format, no restrictions for playback or copying.

Sold by an individual (julien floer) for individuals


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