Tax: premiums of sponsorship are reportable



Hundreds of reviews of sites that publish Web ads to recruit some referrals and thus earn sponsorship to banks or the crowdfunding premiums. There are even for banks that promise to repay a portion of these premiums to those who choose. Because these bonuses can sometimes be important until more than 100 euros for the banks, however with the decline is not what works best.

Enticing bonuses, what incentive some sponsors to become "more professional": mailing campaigns, sites dedicated, etc. Thus, some argue have managed the feat to sponsor 300 customers Boursorama in four years, and dozens at other banks. Or a few thousand euros.  For them, the activity represents a genuine complement to income of 300 to 400 euros per month. Net tax savings, they think like games of chance, provide these big sponsors.

Yet it is a gain to account for non-commercial profits

The Directorate-General of public finances (DGFIP) disagrees with them who say earnings are net. No luck, sponsorship bonuses fall into the category of game bonuses.  Because no lottery, but rather a commission related to a service, so to declare. "These bonuses, if they are paid in cash, are reportable non-commercial profits (art.". 92 of the tax code),"adds Bercy.

Do not be afraid because you have sponsored your wife with boursorama, a "tolerance" exists, for sponsorship. When it is done by an individual (casual) as an exceptional measure, it is like the ventae online, carpooling… . Do not you can practise a regular and professional manner, or that you get consistent incomes with regard to your other sources of activity.

SCIF is likely one day to ban it as for the sale of dogs

The DGFIP, it is difficult to conceive that a person creating pages online, active sponsorship advertising, ignores a semi-professional activity. Station adjustments otherwise.

Question: what is the limit?

Precisely, it is subject to interpretation, it is the big advantage and the big disadvantage. One can imagine two extreme as, a person earning € 15000 by me and 600 sponsorship and another to the RSA and € 200. One does not respect the fact that the activity is substantial for it other than revenues are substantial.

Where to place the cursor, what is the limit?

The problem is therefore to place the cursor, indeed a conservative reading (paranoid) told that we must all declare, but you lose suddenly the benefit of your gain, so that nothing declare may expose you to a remedy (but same result in worse). I guess starting from €1000 to declare.

Banks they set limits

10 referrals per month with boursorama, €1800 monthly so. Good with that if you declared not you fraudez still many.

The wrong choice, gifts

Unfortunately for remedy to this some offer of the gift voucher, off this has no or very little utility, less attractive, less expensive to the company but in the end may make you spend more (buy €150 with € 130 in good, and €20 in cash). Suddenly, bloggers don't blog not for peanuts what finally is pointless.

Do not confuse the number of referrals and conversion

For example, lendix, wealth and finance may 2016 I have 100 referrals, yet 100 referrals does not mean 100 premiums. The conversion rate is only 20%. Short something like 5% of my income perhaps, at best. It is even lower at crowdimo. Perhaps for 2016 my rate will be significant? It is therefore likely that I declare this in 2016, because I admit not having really done attention in 2015.

Possible controls

Since 28 August (application Decree No. 2015 – August 28, 2015 1091), the amending finance Act 2014 establishes a "right of communication of internet sites. The tax administration can now claim to web sites 'lists of people to detect activities not declared exercised via the internet.


The relief may be possible. Good faith is always presumed. During tax audits, so it to the Administration to demonstrate that there is bad faith or fraudulent manoeuvres. But the nuance is always subtle and subjective
The penalty is 40% tax for bad faith.
The penalty reaches 80% relief for fraud. Not to mention the interests of delay and may give rise to a complaint by the Administration and criminal penalties.
When the error or omission is minimal compared to the amounts at stake, the good faith is often allowed. It is more difficult when the taxpayer, person physical or society, forgets to declare much of its revenue or profits.

Good faith

  • A taxpayer cannot prove the exact amount of the interests of accounts abroad a few euros as calculated over several years
  • proof of kilometric allowances
  • less than 5% of revenues come from various

Bad faith

  • For three successive years, a taxpayer fails to report certain amounts ranging from 25% to 33% of its revenues.


  • A taxpayer asked its customers to pay a third person, who keeps a commission on receipts and reverse the balance in cash.
  • a taxpayer does not declare revenues from its Ponzis
  • 50% of the revenues are not declared



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