How some earn money with the Ponzis?
Earn money with a Ponzi scheme it is possible… Power live? In reality it is possible also…
Is this risky? Clearly yes! and fortunately, these are sales revenues, fraud and money laundering.
Why this article?
After having studied, analyze these concepts and especially the big investors, I understood that in fact it was possible to get there also and so it's with a goal of explanation that I did this article!
So I decided also to talk about, it is by no means secret or other, there is nothing to hide, just to explain how…!
- 1 Reminder: what is a Ponzi scheme?
- 2 In short, are all shared revenue systems a Ponzi?
- 3 How can I earn money with the Ponzi scheme?
- 4 A plan without sponsorship!
- 5 The example…
- 6 Other experiences… (other examples)
- 7 Conclusion…
- 8 Look at the difference with the good sites of my investment as item:, bolden, Lendix, crowdimo, pretup, finsquare
Reminder: what is a Ponzi scheme?
A Ponzi scheme is a system, a program that pays former members from the spawning of new members money, it's illegal, but today it is difficult for authorities to prove that programs are a Ponzi scheme and therefore cannot do much…
There is client/user level, firstly at the level of the payment processors that are severe level controls, sample Paypal and Payza, where there are many transactions, they block the funds and demand evidence, some programs are closed following these controls! And for good reason, paypal refuses to be involved in some shady stuff.
In short, these programs, are classified as advertising agencies and revshare and hyip, based on the catalogue all as being a Ponzi because they almost all are!
A Ponzi scheme it is more or less long-lived, for reference, the Madoff system lasted 40 years… Those with 5%/jours take less than 6 months
Reminder: it is illegal
Normally no, but in practice Yes, based on this fact, because it is rarely possible to know perfectly the plans for executives. More from my experience they all are. Impossible yields of the order of 50% or more per year, you can be sure that there is a wolf.
So why embark on these programs?
It is a choice, a personal risk to take… like becoming Hitman. It starts rarely voluntarily, but the hunger justifies the means.
The fact is, we really earn money, some programs are relatively obscure departing on operation, this means that we do not really know whence the money which allows paying members according to yields defined…
It is usually the goal, more the system is less obscure is asked questions. The real purpose is therefore to leave with a large hoard plucking the last arrived for the boss.
Doubt is therefore always present, on the other hand, I'm going to contradict me, but all programs are not the Ponzi scheme. There are more doubts for trafficmonsoon and boomdirect, even if at the base they are catalogued like platforms of trading at startup, the fact is that now, these programs well pay their members with revenues with fresh money from new members.
What the sponsors are saying:
I take another recent example, beonpush, what I like, this program, the market in which innovation is unique for this type of program.
Many think that it is a Ponzi, or of a hyip, real hyip are legal and related to forex trading, maximum risk for maximum gains!
Here this is not the case, no accounting, nothing. That of rotten.
FYI, many people who say these business they are legal are often part of these programs… (the world upside down!)
When they are unmasked, their response: "and much like everyone else I'm looking to earn money…". ».
So they take advantage of the system in the end…
So I come to the main topic, yes you can make money with a Ponzi scheme!
How can I earn money with the Ponzi scheme?
To put it simply, it must be present in several programs that appear to be serious, means seriously the fact that leader does not immediately share with the crate (he leaves, later). The fact also that advertising agencies forces to click on the baniiere are shit, indeed leader goes for example everything simply make sure you click 10 banners to be entitled to your money and make sure that there are only 5 (example mypayingadds). Or for example a possible consistent with a credit card, that they never give.
Serious programs, are actually programs that offer a plan oriented pay long term (for a Ponzi scheme, more than a year), that take into account the King and the price of a pack, the trafficmonsoon example is obvious today 2% per day per pack, a pack at $ 50, a total 110% return… 55 days to recover his investment!
It's been a year now and the program is not ready to stop from one day to the next, at least until it y of new members!
An important point to remember, is not necessarily be looking on the moral, it is a test of indisputable success on the internet especially with a small budget.
In addition a large address book is necessary.
I have observed that many programs stopped after a few months, but never at the same time.
There are high paying programs, with high daily percentages, more than 3 percent, many are "capped" (= limited) 6%, here your progress is very fast at the start, if the program holds the road and stabilizes with rates revised downward later, there is a chance that the program takes several months (at least 6).
A 5% day program takes maximum 5 months (amazing 5)
In fact everything depends on the speed of progress of the programme, i.e. the number of members who are investing, initially so it's somewhat a blow of poker…
Should be monitored, if possible, the total invested amount report / reversed total (withdrawals).
The idea is to leverage your initial investment and then make a profit, these benefits you will be used to invest in other programs, as well as to make you happy personally (irony: hookers, drugs, etc)!
Basically I don't remember more where is the source but on average a leader bar with 30-40% of the amounts.
A ponzi to 2% held approximately 2 years.
A plan without sponsorship!
I don't speak sponsorship here, because this distorts all the data, your speed of growth becomes exponential with sponsorship…
So overall according to the observations, plus packs price is important to base more must be invested, and more program fits in the long term, for example, trafficmonsoon should at least start with $ 500 for not to wait months and months for progress.
Conversely, programs with $ 5 packs see $ 1, it is necessary to at least start with $ 100 see $ 200.
This represents a budget if it invests in several programs…
At the same time if we want to win really, one is obliged to spend! (I still specify once I never participate in these pyramids and I urge you to not participate)
But as it is a scam, the performance is very important
So if you are not ready to bet your shirt, you can immediately abandon the idea of doing business on the internet!
Otherwise you invest the minimum in the best program and in 1 year you can evolve if the program keeps its promises.
The example…
I started by looking at programs, big investors, first thing in common, they are all gone, their secret?
The patient and controlled risk-taking…
According to one big sponsor:
At the beginning, I focused on taking the risk and so I did nothing, not advanced, and I saw people who were progressing, then in the end, they started… With trafficmonsoon...
Starting with the minimum, there is no realistic vision, they earn not much, for example 2 or $ 3 in 1 month, and then time passes, the programmes take the road, analysis still helps the selection, earnings increase…
If I make the point today, a single program can launch 5 other…
Among these 5 programs, 2 allow to get $ 100 per week (ridiculous in the middle) I reinvested for the progression or I withdraw to my personal needs.
In total, if they leave the packs until expiry, they will largely be over $ 2000 for $ 300 invested at the base and the patient, it is profitable!
Programs have not yet closed and all seem well gone, I know that some will close at a given time. The game being to withdraw before the collapse, but remember this is illegal, you are not a victim, there you fraudez voluntarily and clearly.
Other experiences… (other examples)
Here I will just speak quickly routes of the people that I could discover, which are top leaders without going into details.
I repeat once again, the patient and perseverance are the keys to success.
Today the incomes of these people exceed the $ 5000 per week… Yeah the scam it pays. Example marketingdereseausolution, the type provides win € 800 per week. Except that one there a good chance that its godsons complaints for fraud…
My first question, how much you have referrals?
The General responses, to my surprise, the number of referrals is not extraordinary, they are downline of confirmed investor types, invest $ 20 is nothing, invest $ 500 or $ 1000 and much more it is anything else, and that makes the difference.
Others are professional crooks (y no other words, it's not just the poor victims with more than 500 referrals) with lots of referrals.
Super OK and if the person did not much of godsons, my question is therefore how much you invested at the start?
And there, the answer is obvious, many, at a minimum of $ 1000 and maximum $ 20,000…

Aouch… How did you do to invest much? Not well es in your head? Or do you have a serious info that nobody has and you did a loan?
And no, nothing like that, the money comes other also illegal business, known as cela a ponzi surfing. In big that the program starts to pay enough he invest in new fresh scams.
And this is where or I come to develop on the beginning…
Most started with small investments to the tune of $ 200 in a business, each month in a different business, some have closed, others have exploded, earnings increased gradually, they exhibited their result naturally, people followed them, with experience they select credible business, which attracts the people who follow them…
The risk is therefore offset by gains, thin crime pays.
They became leaders in proposing relatively reliable programs.
Result gain exploded also… They can afford to start a new program with $ 1000 or $ 2000 without problems…
You must be patient and identify promising programs and succeed in making the difference between those who engage in all the programs that come out and seek to recruit the most and those who analyze really!
It thrills not?
Yes it is, but it is illegal...
Another example…
I mention because it is proof that the scam may yield dramatically.
A person has embarked at the beginning on trafficmonsoon, with an investment of $ 300.
A year later, this person has 100 referrals… Approximately 8 referrals per month, which is very low for this type of program. Damage that people prefer to have programmes of this kind rather than legal programs such as lendix… because I'm far from having so many referrals.
This person earns more than $ 2000 per day just on this program.
A total of accumulated profit exceeding $ 350,000. It'll be hard to whitewash.
This person can consider retiring now correctly placing his earnings. But she mainly 99% chance of seeing the cops landed within a few months.
A final example, someone started trafficmonsoon from the beginning, with $ 100 is 2 packs, without any referral, or withdrawal, one year after she got pleasure in removing $ 1000, and now its progression is exponential…
His vision?
Make a passive investment without risk, without much conviction at the level of the results…
Interesting as added value…
What it takes to keep, money is a stream, either we know how it works and so we know how enjoy either one runs after waiting for the perfect time to catch him… (what happens never actually except for a few exceptions!)
Which means that we must take into account risks, measure them, do not do anything, but not to ask too many questions, look for the details that will make you hesitate and in some cases you will prove that you were right and in others that you were wrong!
Should a key question, embark on a program from its start?
not in terms of legality
I would say Yes in terms of profitability, but under certain conditions, namely, knowing the admin, have an opinion of the true leaders, Exchange, if possible with the admin of the program.
You should know that the big leaders, those that have the status of top earner in the business, are often solicited by the admins who want to start their new programs…
I have myself been approached by some admins for their program, but problem of ego/personality, when I ask not sensitive, precise information for their business, they still take it wrong…
(Nb: these programs did not take the road!)
I am forced to make a point above in this article.
There's really a conflict of interest between these two sectors, which are different despite a clear rapprochement on the marketing part.
True network marketing, at the base, is associated with companies that create real products, and rely on their development by word-of-mouth, which leads to the VDI (tupperware) status.
This has evolved, now the marketing part is also associated with advertising-based, regulated business pubs and revshares…
The problem is the number of unreliable programs that come out and tarnish the image of the environment!
It should not be confused, true network marketing is and will remain the reference, it should be combined with the VDI.
This solution is truly an opportunity akin to a job (VDI, auto entrepreneur), you are your own boss, the only risk is to not get there, that is, you are not able to provide the effort / the work required to get there.
This environment is not for everyone, this medium is open to opportunists, those who want really to give themselves the means to achieve their goals, in fact very few are able to, lack of will, of real desire, motivation, or simply because in reality people don't know not what they want really, or do are not able to focus on a real and unique objective and that they do not believe that this is possible…
As necessary be trained properly…
Conversely, revshares and advertising agencies are accessible to everyone, because making abstraction of the sponsorship part it is possible to succeed…
What everyone seeks, but many are not ready to invest and take these risks and prefer to daydream to the success of those who expose their result…
The question to ask yourself if you really want to evolve:
What are you willing to do to change your situation?
Take financial risks?
Attention you put your life at stake, not only play with money that you do not or which is necessary.
Or will work for you?
Attention also, work for yourself, this is is not worked for a boss, for the State, so there are conditions to accept, you're more under "I work for a boss so I receive a salary, whatever happens in the first month and I don't owe anything to anyone…" »
The vision is:
You start your business, oriented around a product, a service, so minimal to start is to know this product, this service before market… it logic not?
So yet again, logically, you acquire this product/service to test it…
NB: personally I me invested much in midfielder crowdfunding, and I do not see it as a labour imposed, but a hobby / past time as this me plait!
That is a lot of time, but you should know what you want, I invite people to recognizing here to contact me because the potential often exceeds our imagination, to live his dreams instead of dream life…
Editor's Note: I the editor of wealth and finance I recommend the ponzis, this article is to demonstrate that it is wrong and illegal.
What you might!
What you may actually
In addition to losing your money there are much larger risks.
The attempt to gain money from abnormal and easy way, in particular leaving manipulate (social engineering), eventually lead to getting you ripped off (419 fraud…), does not make you a victim but an accomplice.
No person shall avail itself of his own depravity.
In a very good video documentary of the 05.02.2013 – facing the Internet mafia, there is, among other things, an interview of a woman sentenced for aiding and abetting active money laundering after being trapped in an engineering social operation.
But in addition, the pyramid (process says the "snowball" or the "silver chain") is prohibited in France since 1953 (Article L 122-6 of the Code of consumption 1 ° and 2 ° paragraphs). This text was supplemented by an act of 1 February 1995 (3 ° and 4 ° paragraphs) which specifies the prohibitions on sales channels. Since that date, a company which fails to comply with this regulation and allegedly illegal practices would be condemned.
Under French law, «it is forbidden to propose a person to collect memberships or to register on a list requiring her the payment of any consideration and in him doing hope financial gains resulting from a geometric progression in the number of persons registered or recruited» (art. L. 122-6 and art. L. 122-7 of the code of consumption) and "this prohibition is subject to penalties of fine or imprisonment. »
The correctional tribunal of Albertville for example sentenced to penalties of four to ten months in prison suspended 33 Savoyards who participated in a money game akin to a Ponzi pyramid, was learned from the Prosecutor's office.
These sentences for fraud, was accompanied by fines between 4,500 and € 20,000. Four other defendants were fined with simple fines.
Penalties for the offence of fraud
First of all, it should be recalled that the prescription of the scam is acquired after a period of three years from the day of the return of the coveted thing.
The maximum penalties for fraud are:
-For natural persons: 5 years ' imprisonment, €375,000 fine and ban or confiscation of certain rights.
-For legal persons: €1.875.000 fine as well as the penalties provided for in article 131-39 of the criminal code.
The attempt is punishable by the same penalties.
The penalties are raised to seven years in prison and €750,000 fine when the scam is carried out:
-By a person vested with public authority or a public service mission, in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of its functions or its mission (article 313-2 – 1 ° of the criminal code);
-By a person who unduly takes the quality of a person vested with public authority or responsible for a public service mission (article 313-2 – 2 ° of the criminal code);
-By a person who appealed to the public to the issue of securities or for fundraising purposes for humanitarian or social assistance (section 313-2 – 3 ° of the criminal code);
-To the detriment of a person whose particular vulnerability, due to his age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental disability or a State of pregnancy, is apparent or known perpetrator (article 313-2 – 3 ° of the criminal code).
The penalties are raised to ten years in prison and €1,000,000 fine where fraud is committed in organized band.
This want to say that if sponsor you what-qu´un you are liable of Delia d´escroquerie is organized band, if this bleaching is.
Quality of the fraudster
Swiss penal code, has. 146: 2 If the author craft of the scam, the penalty will be imprisonment for ten years or imprisonment for at least three months.
Money laundering
Money laundering is to conceal funds from illegal sources (drug trafficking, theft, fraud (including pyramid selling), selling weapons, robbery, tax evasion,…) by reinvesting them in legal activity (real estate, restoration, etc.). IT
The objective of the author of money laundering is to facilitate the false justification of the origin of these sums to the authorities. In practice, money-laundering "dirty money" may appear in the form of different mechanisms, as for example the establishment of false invoices between several companies.
In France, money laundering is punishable under article 324-1 of the penal Code which provides for a sentence of 5 years in prison and a fine of € 375 000. This sanction may be increased in some cases. For example, the penalty is increased to 10 years imprisonment and 750000 euro fine in two cases: when money laundering is committed habitually or by using the facilities provided by the exercise of a professional activity and when it is committed in organized gang. For a complete point on penalties, see articles of the penal Code concerning simple laundering and aggravated laundering.
in luxembourg
Court of appeal of Luxembourg (judgment No. 492/10 X, December 8, 2010, unpublished), who comes to remind us the autonomy of the rules of vigilance in the fight against money-laundering system and the financing of terrorism.
The fight against money laundering has indeed two aspects, defining each an offence: the repressive pane flanked by articles 506-1 and 135-5 of the penal Code (providing for a penalty of one to five years ' imprisonment and a fine of 1,250 euros to EUR 1,250,000), and the preventive arm set up by the Act of 12 November 2004 (including fined 1,250 euros to EUR 1,250,000).
The offence of money laundering can be punishable independently of any prosecutions or convictions for primary offences (underlying). Disregard for the rules of due diligence might lead him to a penalty apart from any prosecution for a case of money laundering.
Professionals (among others, credit institutions, PSF, notaries, auditors, insurers, estate agents, and to a lesser extent lawyers) must assimilate the two types of offences which they may be charged as authors, co-authors, accomplices, or. The 2004 law dictates them their way to process a folder and to investigate their own customers.
Of more specifically to the pyramids:
French law, by article L122-6 of the Code of consumption, banned pyramid schemes because it prohibited: the violation of this prohibition is, at the end of article L122-7 of the same code, punishable criminally liable to a maximum fine of 4,500 euros and/or imprisonment for one year. The offender may be, in addition, sentenced to reimburse those clients that will not be met, the sums paid by them.
The most famous simple pyramid schemes, include chains of gifts (we invite you to make a donation and to rotate the chain), or even systems of Cavalry (financial montage in which the capital of the new entrants is used to pay interest to earlier investors).
Famous cases
Ponzi: died in misery
Madoff: sentenced to 150 years in prison
Get easy, 300 000 vistimes sponsors continued see also and
Other pyramids: prison for participating
The largest history 21/02/2016 nearly 1 million Chinese were victims of a financial scam on a platform of loans between individuals for 7.6 billion.
and for those who have forgotten to declare earnings
: Tax evasion is to escape or attempt to escape the tax by any means. The author of tax evasion can be apply tax and criminal penalties. The fact of hiding income or taxable property exposes you to tax penalties. Answer the subsequent questions and answers will be displayed automatically you are the author of a tax fraud if you deliberately use some methods to escape or attempt to escape, partly or completely, to the tax. As such, are considered as fraudulent behaviour:
- a deliberate Declaration, failure
- a voluntary concealing of property or income subject to tax,
- the Organization of insolvency,
- more generally, any manoeuvre aimed at obstructing the recovery of tax.
If the IRS detects fraudulent behavior, it can initiate criminal proceedings after the opinion of the commission of tax offences. Regardless of the tax penalties, the author of tax evasion is liable:
- €500,000 fine
- and 5 years ' imprisonment.
These sentences are increased to €2 000 000 fine and 7 years ' imprisonment when the acts were committed in organized band or grace to:
- the opening of accounts or the purchase of contracts with organizations established abroad.
- the interposition of persons or bodies established abroad, screen
- the use of a false identity from false documents (or any other false),
- a direct debit or a fictitious or artificial act abroad.
If the company does not have the permissions to sell financial products.
Other risks
You are also sure to lose your job (yeah your boss does not keep a known crook) and as there is a folder in the criminal records, many professions are prohibited.
With a hole of 10 year on the CV, it will be difficult to find a job.
Do not forget that it is the loser of the trial that pays lawyers of the winner (see
- If you want that your opponent will reimburse these costs, must be that your lawyer requested at the trial. Indeed, instead costs, for which the judge pronounces, it shall consider the question of justice fees if counsel requested expressly in respect of article 700 of the Code of civil procedure.
- If you are prosecuted before the criminal judge, you may be ordered to pay the victim costs counsel or bailiff that she incurred to defend (art. 475-1 of the Code of criminal procedure).
Reminder of caution l´AMF published March 12, 2014
AMF cautions public against investment offers promising exceptional yields relying, visible or otherwise, on the establishment of a system of recruitment, membership or sponsorship. Very attractive appearance, these offers are dangling high gains that are unrealistic. They usually hide's actual scams for laundering money and in most cases, in some cases, loss of the placement of departure for the saver.
This type of installation can take various forms: trading on the Forex market (via an unauthorized FOREX platform), or mail order of goods or services. The goal for these companies is to continuously recruit new members added to existing members. The latter recruited bring new funds entering, which are partly donated to the former members to gain and maintain their confidence: this is what is called a pyramid. Media and internet in particular, neighbourhood, "word of mouth": recruitment may be done in various ways.
The device lasts as long as new recruitments are possible. When it collapses, sometimes quite rapidly, members typically lose the entirety of their bet in favour, often the single initiator and his accomplices.
The AMF calls savers to the utmost vigilance and invites them to:
- Do not respond to this type of offers and do not relay them to third parties;
- In the case of fraud, victims must file a complaint and provide all possible information to the competent judicial authorities (references for money transfers, identified contacts, addresses, emails or emails, etc.).
In General, the AMF advises investors to follow the following rules before any investment:
- No commercial speech should make us forget that there is no investment offering high returns with no risk;
- Learn about the legality of the financial intermediary that offers the product by consulting the list of the establishments authorized to operate in France ( > high-speed access > savings products approved (GECO)). To ensure that the intermediary who offers products or financial services is allowed to operate in France, you can consult the list of service providers for eligible investment ( or the list of permitted in category Advisor investment financial (CIF) or equity investments (PAC) ( Advisor.
An intermediary not authorised is subject to criminal penalties.
To answer the questions and queries of savers, the AMF provides its site internet or the savings Info service 01 53 45 62 00 from Monday to Friday from 9 h to 17 h.
Institute for the financial education of the public (IEFP) provides investors with a presentation of systems of pyramid selling on its Web site:
To denounce (sponsors, proof of payment, site touting live Ponzis):
NB: beonpush has already been denounced by several members, an investigation is already underway, it is not worth to denounce just like that, and if you have been the victim of a scam, you have to go to the police station.
for luxembourg
You think that j´exagere with money laundering?
The financial intelligence unit (FIU) has opened 7 238 new files last year (2015), she said Monday in its annual report. This represents an increase of 23.42% over one year. A figure 'high' which the fluctuation is due to the presence of operators of electronic commerce in the Grand Duchy. In 2014, the two main operators have thus contributed to 66.84% of reports of suspicious transactions, refocuses the FIU.
Almost all of the suspicious transaction reports (99.31%) are money laundering, the rest of the financing of terrorism. Even marginal, the cases of the financing of terrorism is progressing (28 records in 2010 to 50 in 2014).
And if even the authorities say that beonpush has not has not records…
The end…
After this very long article, which might disturb some people…
Those who arrived at the end should not be many, I hope just provided useful information and informed readers about the overall operation and the possibilities…
The aim being to provide a realistic view of this environment, without being positive or negative, I have spoken about the pros and cons, without, I think, have put one or the other forwards, or may be a bit because I have quoted one of my personal goals!
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I think that this type of article can be useful to prevent people to make mistakes and especially about what they actually undertake! =)
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