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Jérôme Kerviel, the Société Générale, stack one wins, face you lose

  Who is Jérôme Kerviel?   Born January 11, 1977, Jérôme Kerviel graduated from the University of Lyon II, where he earned …

Everything about the PEA plan d´epargne equity

  Which may be licensed as a PEA. A solution available to all. A PEA can be subscribed by any taxpayer tax …

How to win with a bear market, the brexit example

How to make money in a bear market? Although the Greek crisis or the brexit or the Asian crisis, these strategies that …

Actions: introduction to this product high-yield

An action is a property title issued by a capital company (e.g. a limited company or a Société en commandite par actions). …

→ 05/12/2015


Model of Evaluation of assets financial or Capital Asset Pricing Model

The model of evaluation of financial assets (CAPM), translation of the English Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) provides an estimate of the …

→ 13/11/2015


→ 11/11/2015


Requirements: a stable investment

A bond is a security title of receivables (debt) representative of a loan. Giving entitlement to a refund plus d´interets, the obligation …

Families of investments

In this article we will see different types of investments that we can find on the market, overall I am of course …

→ 08/09/2015


The Trackers

The trackers, or ETFs (Exchanged-Traded Fund), have a performance identical to that of a stock index that they observe and replicate. The …

→ 05/09/2015


→ 21/06/2015


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