All about Sara popular savings book

Sara neighborhood popular popular savings book
The popular savings is a booklet specially reserved to households low imposed.
The opening of a LEP is conditioned by the composition of your household and the amount of your income tax of Reference (RFR). Paid at 1.25 %(1) net a year, your savings is available at any time.

Totally without compensation
  • Your savings is paid at 1.25 %(1) net per year.
  • You can save up to 7 700 EUR (400 EUR 15 for a couple).
  • The interest is totally exempt of income tax and social security levies.
A savings available at any time
  • The funds are available at any time, without charge or penalty.
  • You have the possibility to make one-time or scheduled payments
(1) annual nominal rate net of income tax and social security payments, into force on 01/02/2016.
Open an account at boursorama


Any individual taxpayer, tax domicile in France and including the income tax Reference shall not exceed a ceiling fixed annually by the public authorities.

The opening of a LEP is conditioned by respect for a maximum amount of income tax of Reference (RFR), which varies according to the composition of your household.
To open a LEP in 2015, just have an income tax reference 2013 (listed on the 2014 tax assessment notice) which shall not exceed the following amounts, with regard to the number of shares composing your household tax:

Opening of a LEP in 2016: ceiling of income according to family situation
Family quotient Income ceiling
1 part €19 255
1.5 parts €24 396
2 parts €29 537
2.5 parts €34 677
3 parts €39 818
3.5 parts €44 959
4 parts €50 100
Additional half part €5 141


-Example for a household tax to 7 parts:
Maximum 19 235 RFR + (5 136 x 12) = 80 867 EUR
-Example for a household tax with 6.75 shares:
Maximum RFR: 19 235 + (5 136 x 11) + 2 569 = 78 300 EUR
  • A single Sara by taxpayer at Société Générale or in another institution. Two per married couple or PACs. In this case, the person:
    • bride must present its opening:
      • Libretto by family,
      • or his birth certificate.
    • pacsee to present at the opening:
      • or a birth certificate mentioning on the sidelines the PACS,
      • either a certificate of PACS.
  • No joint account opening.
  • Apart from the couple, no other person in the household tax cannot benefit from a LEP.


Unlimited, provided that they fulfil each year tax conditions.
  • Minimum EUR 30 in the opening.
  • Possibility of payments programmed from 45 EUR per month or per quarter under click regular.
  • 7 700 EUR from ceiling, excluding capitalized interest. If you have reached the limit of your LEP, consider sustainable development booklet.


  • 1.25 %(1) net per year.
  • Calculation of interest biweekly.
  • Interest capitalized on 31 December and credited early January.


Total and immediate, without charge or penalty.

Payments and withdrawals

initial minimum

Just €30

Maximum amount of the account on Sara

€7 700 (excluding capitalized interest)


You perform operations on your account on Sara (payments, withdrawals, transfers) with the banking institution where it has opened.

No operations can have the effect of making the receivable (understand negative or less than zero).


Exempt interest income tax and social security contributions.
Statements of account
  • A monthly statement is sent once the account has worked in the past month.
  • A statement is always sent in January.
(1) annual nominal rate net of income tax and levies in force on the 01/08/2015, capable of change by the public authorities. The interest is calculated per fortnight and capitalized annually on December 31. They so forthright themselves of interests.


FAQ booklet popular savings

Who can hold a Sara?
The popular savings booklet (Sara) is restricted to those non-taxable or weakly imposed tax purposes domiciled in France. A young major to the tax burden of parents can not open Sara.
To find out if you can open a LEP in 2015, just have an income tax reference 2013 (listed on the 2014 tax assessment notice) which does not exceed a certain ceiling defined by the Regulation (see tab "in detail").
So there are 3 requirements

Fiscal domicile located in France

You can open an account on Sara if your fiscal domicile is located in France.

Number of species per person

A single Sara per person can be opened within the limits of 2 booklets per household (a booklet for you and one for your spouse / is or your Pacs partner).

Income below certain limits

To open an account on Sara in 2016, your tax income by 2014 or your spouse/partner of Pacs (listed on the notice of imposition of 2015) shall not exceed the following limits:

Opening of a LEP in 2016: ceiling of income according to family situation
Family quotient Income ceiling
1 part €19 255
1.5 parts €24 396
2 parts €29 537
2.5 parts €34 677
3 parts €39 818
3.5 parts €44 959
4 parts €50 100
Additional half part €5 141

If a year, your earnings exceed the ceilings required, you keep your Sara provided that your next year's revenues are lower.

The spouse / is or the partner of Pacs to a person fulfilling the conditions of opening of the LEP must also provide the following documents:

  • marriage, family booklet or any foreign official act as proof of the marriage,
  • in case of Pacs, civil solidarity pact certificate or birth certificate.
  • Minimum down payment


Documents to be provided

To open an account on Sara in 2016, you must submit to the Bank your notice of imposition of 2015 (or non-imposition) showing your tax income by 2014.

Alternatively, you can provide your notice of imposition of 2016 if your income by 2015 have declined compared with 2014 and have become lower to the required limits.

Proof of income tax are also accepted. They are downloadable in your particular space on the site of taxes.

How to open the LEP?

To open a Sara, go in your agency with:


-your identification
-your opinion non-taxation or taxation (posted by the tax administration in the 3rd quarter of 2014, entitled "Notice of taxation on income 2013") or where applicable, proof of tax on income (JIR), version cloud of the tax assessment notice. If in doubt about the tax receipt to provide, present your last two notice of income tax.
-your family booklet or your birth certificate or your certificate of PACS.



How does the PES work?

At the opening, you make a minimum payment of EUR 30. You can drop on your up to EUR 7 700 Sara.
Payments are free and can be made in cash, by cheque or by transfer.
With our free service click regular, you can implement transfers automatic and scheduled your account to your LEP. Alternatively, you can make your payments on the Internet from your client area.
Withdrawals are possible at any time free of charge:
– either by transfer of your Sara to your account by individuals from our Bank remote online services or by phone (3933 *),
– either directly to your agency.



How to extend my Sara?

Each year, the holder of a Sara must justify its tax status from its banking institution with its agency its last opinion taxation or non-taxation or proof of tax on income (JIR), electronic version of the tax assessment notice.
Good to know: Sara opened before January 1, 2014 and always open to this date can be stored until 12 31, 2017, even if you are eligible. After 12/31/2017, you need to present Agency and every year necessary to continue supporting documents to benefit your Sara.



What happens if I respect more the conditions of retention of the PES?

Société Générale is required to solder to March 31 of the year following that of the breach, the Sara for which:
-the required annual justifications were not produced,
-licensees most to meet the conditions of income.
The amounts shown on the Sara are transferred to another account opened in your name at Société Générale. Interest on the run period you are acquired and are paid on this account the day of the closing. It is recommended that you get closer to your customer advisor for study with him various investment opportunities that are then available to you.


How does biweekly earnings?

Funds must remain continuously on the savings for a specified period to generate interest: from the 1st to the 15th of the month included, or from 16 to the last day of the month included.
These interests are credited only once on your Sara in January of the following year. They have added to the already placed capital and can then make it exceed the ceiling on payments of 7 700 EUR for the LEP.
To collect the maximum amount of interest: make your payments at the end of fifteen and realize your withdrawals at the beginning of fortnight.
If you deposit your money the 1st two weeks of the month, reported you interest from the 16th of the month. If you drop it in the 2nd half, the interest shall be calculated from the 1st of the following month.
Example: you pay a sum of money on 10 February, the interest shall be calculated from February 16.
If you make a withdrawal during the 1st half of the month, this sum stops earn interest from the 1st of that month. If you make your withdrawal in the 2nd half, your money produces more interest from the 16th of the month.
Example: If you remove your money on 5 February, the interest is calculated until 31 January.



What is a "payment limit"?
Certain regulated investments are capped. This means that the total amount of the payments is limited. Thus, you cannot pour more of
7 700 EUR on a Sara.
When your booklet has reached its ceiling, deposited checks or on scheduled payments are automatically rejected and re-credited to your personal account.
The interests of the year come on the other hand add to the existing capital and can then make it exceed the ceiling on payments.
Example: you have 7 680 EUR on your Sara. Your payment programmed
EUR 50 is there will not be credited since the ceiling is EUR 7 700. You can then ask the sum of €20 to be paid on your Sara, and that your future scheduled payments are assigned to another account. Your agency Advisor will be able to present you all the possibilities of savings that are available to you.

Who can open a Sara?

Any major person fulfilling the 3 conditions.

  •  If your fiscal domicile is located in France.
  • Number of species per person

A single Sara per person can be opened within the limits of 2 booklets per household (a booklet for you and one for your spouse / is or your Pacs partner).

  • Income below certain limits

 And if I'm underage?

l is sometimes possible for a minor to open a Sara. If he is resident, fiscally autonomous and if it meets the conditions of income.

Is it possible to have a joint account?

It is not possible to open a joint account or group account Sara.

How does the DDL?

How does biweekly earnings?

Funds must remain continuously on the savings for a specified period to generate interest: from the 1st to the 15th of the month included, or 16-last day of the month included.
These interests are credited only once on your HDD in January of the following year.
They come add to capital already place on the LDD and can then make it exceed the ceiling on payments of 12 000 EUR for the LDD.
To collect the maximum amount of interest: make your payments at the end of fifteen and realize your withdrawals at the beginning of fortnight.
If you deposit your money the 1st two weeks of the month, reported you interest from the 16th of the month. If you drop it in the 2nd half, the interest shall be calculated from the 1st of the following month.
Example: you pay a sum of money on 10 February, the interest shall be calculated from February 16.
If you make a withdrawal during the 1st half of the month, this sum stops earn interest from the 1st of that month. If you make your withdrawal in the 2nd half, your money produces more interest from the 16th of the month.
Example: you withdraw your money on 5 February, the interest shall be calculated until 31 January.

What is a "payment limit"?

Certain regulated investments are capped. This means that the total amount of the payments is therefore limited. So you can thus not pay more than 12 000 EUR on the LDD.
When your booklet has reached its ceiling, deposited checks or on scheduled payments are automatically rejected and re-credited to your personal account.
The interests of the year come on the other hand add to the existing capital and can then make it exceed the ceiling on payments.
Example: you have 11 980 EUR on your HDD. Your payment programmed
EUR 50 is there will not be credited since the ceiling is EUR 12 000. You can then ask the sum of €20 to be paid on your HDD, and that your future payments are assigned to another account. Your agency Advisor will be able to present you all the possibilities of savings that are available to you.


Spoken record of Bank identity (RIB) for a given by a bank record of postal identity (RIP) for a given by the Postal Bank, and record of identity of savings (RICE) to an account held by a fund savings.

Can one have rib for the?

Sampling/direct debit transfer (salary) on a Sara

Only withdrawals in cash or by transfer to the account of the holder of the record are allowed. Even third-party cheques cannot be cashed

a what is money?


The funds are centralized only in part to the Caisse des dépôts and the share retained by the banks should be used for the financing of small and medium enterprises as well as the financing of the work of energy saving in old buildings. Funds deposited on a Sara are guaranteed by the State as a LDD or booklet.

Statutory instruments

Other sources

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