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Banking products

Life insurance FAQ

Insurance FAQ What are the risks excluded from life insurance in case of death? Checked may 19, 2016 – Directorate of legal …

The cash voucher

In return for a deposit from the Bank or a company, the investor receives a good; on this document, the recipient agrees, …

All about sustainable development booklet

Savings, which contributes to the development of the economy and the protection of the environment (suite…)

Everything about the PEA plan d´epargne equity

  Which may be licensed as a PEA. A solution available to all. A PEA can be subscribed by any taxpayer tax …

All about Sara popular savings book

The popular savings is a booklet specially reserved to households low imposed. The opening of a LEP is conditioned by the composition …

All about the housing, PEL Savings Plan

With the ELP you you build a personal contribution through regular saving. And at the same time, you earn rights to loan …

Everything about the booklet has

The Livret A is the essential complement to your personal account. It allows you to place money safely to deal with unforeseen …

→ 25/01/2016


→ 23/01/2016


The banks will now be able to directly take the accounts of depositors l´argent

Bankrupt banks rely too much on their depositors. Only accounts with more than 100,000 euros of deposits are concerned, according to a …

→ 25/11/2015


L´assurance life, the first placement of the french with just title

Life insurance represents the preferred placement of the French, allowing to build a capital in the long term: to retire or to …

→ 11/11/2015


Requirements: a stable investment

A bond is a security title of receivables (debt) representative of a loan. Giving entitlement to a refund plus d´interets, the obligation …

Families of investments

In this article we will see different types of investments that we can find on the market, overall I am of course …

→ 01/08/2015

<!–more–>         (suite…)

Savings products: booklets and plan (PEL, CEL, young booklet…)

In all banks, your (pardon the commercial) customer support can and will offer you all a range of booklets that allow you …

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