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Investments, Page 2

→ 13/11/2015


→ 11/11/2015


→ 07/11/2015


Requirements: a stable investment

A bond is a security title of receivables (debt) representative of a loan. Giving entitlement to a refund plus d´interets, the obligation …

→ 04/10/2015


Families of investments

In this article we will see different types of investments that we can find on the market, overall I am of course …

→ 08/09/2015


The Trackers

The trackers, or ETFs (Exchanged-Traded Fund), have a performance identical to that of a stock index that they observe and replicate. The …

→ 05/09/2015


→ 21/06/2015


Savings products: booklets and plan (PEL, CEL, young booklet…)

In all banks, your (pardon the commercial) customer support can and will offer you all a range of booklets that allow you …

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